Roderick, your commentary on men’s relationships with other men really spoke to me. In the 30 years I’ve been a sexually active gay man, I have had the pleasure and great honour (Canadian spelling) of meeting and being intimate with many, many beautiful men. I “came out” at the advanced age of 45, not knowing a thing about being “gay”. I made a point of getting to know men in all aspects of my life, in order to understand the psyche and the spirit of men. Each man I encountered was like a gift to me; beautiful wrapping, but what’s inside. Every man had a story to tell, of his joys and sorrows, of achievements and failures past and hopes and plans for the future, a heartfelt yearning for commiseration and belonging with his brothers. Three decades and years of academic study later, I’m still as much in awe of the nature of men and their capacity for love in all its varieties. In my journey toward greater understanding and desire for brotherhood, I know I have brought many men along that path with me. I have learned so very much about life, through all these beautiful men. I have loved them all, and in their own way, they have all loved me. – Leo
Sex+Spirit = One
More KnoBledge
You are soooo right, Leo. Every man has a unique story to tell; every man who has shared my bed has become part of my own, nurturing path.
Thank you for those beautiful words.