8 thoughts on “Spunky Beards

  1. The ‘try to cum on your own beard’ video was well hot.
    Love to see those guys jizzing so hard they hit their beards, and seeing them savouring their own delicious cum was a treat.

  2. One of the better “cumm on myself” vids Ive seen. Thanx Mr Cox for everything you do.
    Peace and HaPenis to all our brothers.

  3. Fantastic video, not just because of the sexy beards, but the also the explosive loads and stupendous cocks and hairy chests and handsome faces and the occasional beckoning, irresistible arse hole! So why then so many puzzled, even “Yuck!”-filled, disapproving faces on these guys with delicious, Godly cum all over them? Cum on you guys, let’s see more JOY, more PLEASURE! Go on, lick your lips! It tastes GREAT! Maybe you needed another handsome bearded lover to cum all over and cum all over you. I just don’t think solo masturbation ever measures up to cumming all over, inside, or even beside another God-like man, who returns the heavenly favour. And flavour!

    1. The disgusted reactions is just pure bullshit posturing. Every guy knows how good it feels to have an explosive orgasm with cum reaching your own face. They pretend not to like it because straight dudes aren’t supposed to show any kind appreciation arousal from getting cum in the face even if it’s only their own. I get exactly the same vibes when men talk about how ugly the cock is. A bodypart that gives you that much pleasure and pride, it’s just impossible to not appreciate it.

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