Self-administrated touch integrates, soothes or comforts, and gives us a psychologically fundamental sense of worthiness and competence – which is commonly called “self-esteem.” It is the antidote to shame. The “skin envelope” defines where, and how, we are in our sensual and existential foundation – the capacity to engage in active self-stimulation of our own skin envelope is thus essential to the formation of a healthy and happy sense of “self” in at least five ways. First, self-stimulation “in-forms” or integrates our child. It informs us where the sensual space of our “self” has it’ margins, that sensual boundary where – so to speak – “self” appears to end and the rest of the “world” appears to begin. Thus, returning to the process of self-stimulation, and knowing one has the intentional ability to choose such a return, centers our “self” in a profoundly healthy sense. Second, pleasurable self-touching soothes or comforts us when we are distraught, by alleviating our fearful anxieties, and indeed by helping us – at least to some degree – to achieve a letting-go of our judgmental mind, our fear-based patterns of thinking. The gentle enjoyment of touching grounds experience in the present moment, and quietens the chattering mind. Third, these abilities, which serve reliably to ground ourselves in our bodies and to center ourselves in pleasure, are the wellspring of our sense of being loveable. By this, I mean that we come to feel basically worthy and competent in our sense of being-in-the-world. As this occurs, we become able to experience more clearly the extent to which our world is trustworthy. – Barnaby Barratt Ph.D.
The Antidote
More KnoBledge
HaPenis is generated from within. Embrace the beautiful nature within yourself!
Words of wisdom, as ever. Great to see you on onlyfans, hope its going well
Thank you sir. Hope all is going well with you. I appreciate what you do here!
I thought about setting up an Only Fans account but suspect the customers would be paying me to take it down 😀
I think this is how it should be. The fresh air, the sunshine and you nude. It all seems very natural and healthy. . Also you are very sexy. I like that your hole is exposed too. Our ass hole is not anything to be embarrassed over. Let it all hang out! Best Wishes
Quite agree, Allen.
Great image.
Beautiful Man
A selfie in my eyes is a PRAISE and SATISFACTION of oneself. Total satisfaction with what each one of us are truly made of. We are all made in our own magnificent way giving a gift to the viewer that no one else can give.
i personally think that penis size and self esteeem go together for many people , unless the ego is supersized and overtake the penis size
it is for me as i an a common normal sized
1-2 inches might have probably made a difference in my personality
i love see beutiful males 😎😎😎wanking , i mean people like my doctor banker politician or neighbour that we never think that they might spasm and enjoy cuming like a teen wanker 😂😂😂😂😱😱😱 but they do !
I have a small to average penis and I remember that, when I was a teen, exploring both men and women, I didn’t really care. Most of the men I was sexual with as a young man were larger than me, but some were not. I recall one male partner that commented about my penis size and called it my “clit.” He, in fact preferred a smaller penis on his lover. He related to me that he never liked using his mouth on a large penis, and somehow could feminize a partner with a smaller cock, thereby “justifying” going down on him. We are all different.
I am who I am and built as I am built. My penis and I have had many wonderful sexual adventures with men and women alike, and many more to come.
I gave massages for a living and saw every size you can imagine. I learned that some men just live for their penis. It controls to much of their lives and attitudes. Some men who were very large were also very kind and not self centered. The same with small to average men. However, I had several large men that thought they were God’s gift to men and full of conceit Some of the smaller men were very kind or had a nasty attitude and other smaller men wanted to prove that they were big powerful men. Many men both large and small would tell me exaggerated stories of their sexual adventures and how potent and manly they were. So many of the stories were painful to listen to because you knew they were all lies. A big penis do’es not make you a bigger man and a small penis do’es not make you a smaller man or less of one!
Thanks this is wisdom
Best Wishes, we just need to think with the head on our shoulders not just the one on our cocks!
Daddy Dave I just have to tell you I always seek out your thoughts on postings on this site !!
Your thoughts run from serious to whimsical !!!
Bravo !!!
Every man should be empowered to be naked and comfortable when around the house !!!
Naked is as naked does !!!
I enjoy being naked in my own house. It’s a great feeling to walk around with a hard cock bouncing around. I have seen and played with a few different guys that were bigger and beautiful penisis !
Great Photos Chuck… Naked around the house it is.
I enjoy being naked and free
You comfortable in your skin you look good would like to hang out with you
Well I don’t know about all that but self-stimulation sure feels good!!
Great inspirational pics. I am a firm believer in a solid ego. In other words, self estimate. Some people would call it egotism but in this world you have to believe in yourself to servive and accomplish things.
You are so correct, Philip.
Self esteem IS a superpower!
Peace and HaPenis to all our brothers.
Very nice Penis 👍 🥰 😍
Such a wide and distorted subject, so many views so many opinions but it all boils down to YOUR BELIEF AND YOUR RELATIONSHIP with THE SUPERIOR GOD. In daily life in this biased unloving and cruel world we now live in my love for me as well as my Trust and Love in GOD ALMIGHTY I feel are exactly in line with the direction my life is intended to go. I’m proud of me and feel comfortable with sharing myself with any and all. I love myself therefore I masterbate, I desire the feeling of being loved from behind therefore I recieve, It gives me pleasure to supply a man with a cock in his mouth therefore I allow men to suck my cock I enjoy passing my seed to another man either down his throat or breed him from behind all these are the pleasures of life. I don’t lustafter no do I let sex and nudity control and devour me. I simply share the gifts I have been given and feel my life is the better for it. But this is my opinion and my interpretation of my life I push on no one BUT WELCOME ALL WHO ACCEPT IT
First John 4:6. My belief
Welcome to all who accept it.
Thank You to all who share it.
You are indeed a beautiful and magnificent man! Perfection in every way! Thank you Jhonny Flores
It is wonderful to be able to express oneself without judgement.
And to share with another man is even vbetter.
Thank you buddy!
Agree God will judge