2 thoughts on “The Yearning

  1. Well said brother! I had as a child, and still have as a grown man an overwhelming yearning when seeing a hairy, shirtless man, hairy pits exuding his unique masculine musk. Hairy all over, maybe sweaty in shorts, underwear, jock or naked, I’m consumed with desire, to be that and to have that, to experience him in a tactile and olfactory way, worship!
    I’m glad to learn there are other men who share my passion, thank you João Homem, a big, hairy, sweaty hug to you!

    1. Hello,
      Appreciate your honesty. There is probability a majority of (ALL)men walking this planet that feel same.
      Unfortunately the true numbers will actually never be known.
      Cumm..co.uk is a saving grace for me.
      Alas truth be told !
      More straight men need to be woken up.

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