It wasn’t long after I came out, that I realized that, at least in my view, man on man sex was significantly different than regular straight sex. There was something…. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it… something special about it. I have spent the last 25yrs studying the social, political, medical, economic and ecclesiastic minutiae in regard to gay sex and gay culture in general. As it happens, I’m presently reading a very interesting book about gay spirituality through the centuries, that is actually on this site. (Thank you Mr. Cox!) It’s called “The Masculine Cross”. As I have found in so many other areas of my research, gay sex has always been painted in far more spiritual terms than straight sex. Until Mainstream Religion Inc. With or without Religion Inc.’s acceptance of this fact, the sacredness of man on man sex shines through, even in the 21st Century, when the broader society takes every opportunity to denigrate it. I believe it is our duty to discuss homosex in spiritual terms, so that the ignorance of society becomes accustomed to seeing gay sex in a far more positive light. We are the light bearers. In this time of devolution, we are called to spread the spirit of Sacred Masculinity. And to those few of you who fail to grasp the concept, I would say that it says more about you, than it does the concept of the Sacred Male Mythos. – Leo
Sacred Male Mythos
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