3 thoughts on “Jim French Diaries

  1. This is an excellent documentary, very high quality. I have learnt a good deal, and I appreciated the scholarly terminology when film was being discussed.

  2. Thank you for this interesting and fascinating history of Jim French. His art and photography were and are stellar.

    1. The pleasure and spectacularity of art is not only enjoyed through images or musical passages. It is also enjoyed through what is heard and understood. How I would have liked to fully understand what the narrator was saying, despite my poor knowledge of English. If this beautiful video had had the option of having Spanish subtitles, it would surely have gained another 50% of grateful listeners. Today that is not so difficult to do in a film… Will we have another chance?
      El placer y la espectacularidad del arte no solo se goza a través de la imágenes o de los pasajes musicales. También se goza a través de lo que se escucha y entiende. Cuanto me hubiera gustado entender cabalmente lo que decía su relator, pese a lo precario de mi conocimiento del inglés. Si este hermoso vídeo hubiera tenido la opción de tener subtitulados en español, seguramente habría ganado otro 50% de auditores agradecidos. Hoy eso no es tan difícil de hacer en una película… ¿Tendremos otra oportunidad?

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