22 thoughts on “Pubic Art

  1. I see “That Guy from Wales” in the first set of pics. I was following him when he was still in uni. So f’in hot! Looks like he’s just getting better as he ages! (Ofc, he’s, what?, 25 now?)

  2. Daddy Dave, your shaved erect cock is magnificent! This is for you, from a hairy, soft cock who lives on the wild side! xoxox

  3. I love a man who embraces his masculinity and allows his body hair to grow freely! I’m a sucker for a fuzzy bush! Love the pheromones contained in the pubes!

  4. I am a big fan of pubic hair. Untrimmed and left growing natural including on the balls. Love when men are proud of it and proudly showing it to others to admire it.

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