Hands By Oldrich Kulhanek

11 thoughts on “Prostate Milking Tips & Techniques

  1. Using your fingers definitely give you the best control in massaging your prostate and toys can certainly help out too!
    Having a prostate toy inside you and using your pc muscles to move it makes your prostate flutter like little orgasms. Also gets the precum going too

  2. Hello brothers, have any of you experienced such a powerful orgasm that you felt you were transported to another dimension?

    1. Combine edging and prostate play and you’ll get a mind blowing orgasm.
      My whole body was shaking from the pleasure build up and release.

    2. Yep, its my way to go and live am what I am, sexdriven to reach the utmost orgasm, loads to share in total openess, nothing is forbidden but drugs
      Most guys cant follow, they wank like pupils , and miss an ans orgasms in wanking, miss edging and let me say l I f e

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