7 thoughts on “Plumber’s Crack or Builder’s Bum?

  1. Yes there’s nothing better than seeing a hairy builder’s bum normally the builder or Manuel worker don’t realize that they are showing it of ( or do they ) you normally have to be a bit discreet if looking as if one of his workmates see you staring they can point you out as happened to me quite recently, but it’s something to behold if you see a nice bum particularly if hairy

  2. Here is a contribution from my middle-aged arse. One of the lads at work took the photo for me, although he didn’t show any particular interest in the subject matter. All the same, I have ogled his “builder’s bum” many times: following his crack down his hairy arse and imaging what I’d like to do with his manhole. Maybe one day!

  3. For me, “builder’s bum” is one of the most sexy and enticing sights, especially when displayed unintentionally by a mature and masculine man.

    One of my early childhood memories is being mesmerised by a man displaying his “builder’s bum” while working in his garden. I wanted to stop and stare at his hairy arse-crack. As my accompanying adult pulled me away, I kept trying to turn around for another look. Even at that young age, men and their arses were clearly a draw for me.

    The “builder’s bum” is such a masculine statement, associated with strong, sweaty, hard-working men. And the glimpse of the crack promises so much more to be revealed and explored. The crack evokes the man’s meaty and hairy buttocks, while leading downwards to his muscular anus.

    Long may men keep displaying their “builder’s bums”.

  4. Hilarious! I think I prefer watching builders who display the “HaPenis bum” while they’re working. A bit chilly in winter, it’s true.

    1. What I also think is hilarious is the way that the happy, over-sexed HaPenis photo-page editors allow their imaginations to pull down the shorts of the real workers, who only ever exposed just the top of their cracks, to indulge themselves, and us, in full-on, lip-smacking, cock-arousing, please-fuck-me-now pics of “workers” sticking their butts in our faces! Jesus, I can smell how good they will taste and feel when I’m inside them! Guys, lads, I love you for being so obvious! Mahlzeit, as they say in Austria!

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