I love this picture, not sure but I think this chap, was the married lover of EM Forster… His wife knew all about the relationship…. Very interesting sexy face.. I’ve seen the original at the Tate gallery at an exhibition. has led me to the following conclusion, EM Forster was an English novelist, short story writer, essayist and librettist. Many of his novels examine class difference and hypocrisy, including A Room with a View, Howard’s End, and A Passage to to India. Forster was homosexual (open to his close friends, but not to the public) and a lifelong bachelor. He developed a long-term relationship with Bob Buckingham, a married policeman. who was called PC 12 for very obvious reasons. PC LUST – David Mole

10 thoughts on “PC 12 – 1935

  1. I had to go to the police station today. Something about my car which is parked in the street behind our flat. There was a note on the front door when I got back from Vienna. So I walked down to the police station and a young patrolman asked me to bring my car down to the station so he could inspect it. Something about damage. So I trudged back and brought the car down. My patrolman (he was in his twenties, not particularly striking in his indoor office mode) told me to wait for him outside. He came out and put on his smart Austrian cop’s chapeau, adjusting it several times so it really looked smart, just at the right angle. His body straightened as he prepared to take photos. He was on official duty, you see! OMG, I fell instantly in love with him. There was no damage to the car that either of us could see. He gave me a darling little smile as we said goodbye. Oh break, my heart! 😍🥰

  2. It might be a portrait of Harry Daley who was a gay Policeman who knew all of the Bloomsbury set in the early 20th Century and was allegedly the lover of EM Forster and Duncan Grant. Unlike them, he was openly gay at a time when it was illegal to be so in the United Kingdom.
    If it is him it is a far more detailed portrait than any other that I have seen…
    His autobiography ‘This Small Cloud’ printed in 1987 is out of print but easily available on eBay.

  3. E. M. Forster was also the author of MAURICE, a gay love story. I don’t think it was published until after his death. It was made into a lovely motion picture, sometime in the 1980s, if I remember correctly.

  4. I’ve seen this picture in various places. He is indeed a very handsome fellow. Lucky EM Forster !!!! I couldn’t provide him with a passage to India, but i sure could provide him with a back passage to my heart 😍

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