The subject tonight is Daddy Dick
And for tomorrow night as well,
As a matter of fact
I know of no better topic
For us to discuss
Until the day we

The subject tonight is Daddy Dick
And for tomorrow night as well,
As a matter of fact
I know of no better topic
For us to discuss
Until the day we

72 thoughts on “Daddy Dick

  1. Oh hell yes, daddy cock 24/7 365
    I begin to salivate when I see such sexy older daddies wow, just wow
    I’ll stand “up” and be counted too

    1. Daddy Dave you have such an awesome looking cock. Wow, so beautiful, large and stiff.
      I would love to get to grips with it. Xx

  2. Daddy cock will forever be a discussion because who doesn’t love a daddy with BDE showing off his big cock.
    They say curiosity killed the cat but in my case, curiosity turned into obsession

  3. Does anybody know where all these “silvermen” pictures come from? I’ve tried googling and can’t find the original source… please help, the men are always so HOT

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    1. Wow wouldn’t mind suck on that hard massive cock deep throat it really deep like lollipop with your hot loaf spunk

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