Blue collar men are my favorite! I think I’ve written about this before. I’m from a very rural area of the southern United States. Growing up, all I ever saw was blue collar men. Real, masculine men. Sweaty, dirty, dripping sexual energy. By the time I was in my early teens, I started noticing them. On my way to school, there was one in particular that would catch my eye. Mike. He was gorgeous! Hairy, tan, moustache, great smile. I remember him working near my parent’s home. He came up asking for a glass of water. He had on super short khaki shorts, no shirt, work boots. His tan body had sweat and dirt all over it. You couldn’t help but notice his big bulge. My older sister saw him first and said “he’s soooo hot!” I was thinking the same thing!! He asked me if I wanted to come watch them work and of course I said “yes!” I was around 17 at the time. But I went and watched them dig water trenches for the next week. I was sad to see them go. But I would still see Mike, regularly, at the little convenience store near our home. Each time we chatted my heart would flutter and my cock would start twitching!
Those days have long passed now and Mike has been gone for years. I found out later that he was gay. I wished I had known that then! Looking back, I think he was flirting with me. Had I known, I would have gladly worshipped his man meat! All these years later, I still masturbate to him. He was so sexy! Shane
Blue Collar Men
More KnoBledge
Great photos.