23 thoughts on “Nipple Stimulation

  1. My nipples are always rock hard In morning when I wake, nipples in a man are massive turn on to me , even more important than cock . Touching another man’s nipples give me instant erection . From early childhood I was fascinated by looking at my older family members man nipples in the garden or holidays, I remember one day touching my uncles nipples when he was asleep in deck chair, from this I day I was hooked on nipples !!!

  2. My nipples are a big part of my sexual enjoyment ever since experimenting with sexual e-stim, I enjoy the use of stim electrodes clips on my nipas to enjoy masturbation. I can control the feeling of a good bite, and even more because I know a very firm erection will to emanated instantly for a long solo sex session with my-self.

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