Words : The Hermit. Header Image : Seattle’s Rain City Jacks Group

9 thoughts on “Mystical Communion

  1. That photo is from a photo shoot at Seattle’s Rain City Jacks group.
    I was there that day and remember it well. 🤙🏽💦

    1. I too am thankful for the understanding and inspiration that cums from visiting this site. And to know that other married silver daddies visit Rain City Jacks may finally give me the courage to try it.

    2. I’m married and recommend it.
      All types, from all situations.
      The ground rules keep safe, the loved ones at home. Helps there be little need for talk, during…and boundaries are respected.
      I’m 67.

    3. That beautiful image of men communing with men to share pleasure as men is what I want the world to see and understand. I am certain that if men were more freely able express their inherent masculinity this way the world would be a better, more productive and more peaceful world.

  2. It is for these kind of insights that I am devote follower of this blog. I’m a married man of 57 feeling exactly as The Hermit. Word by word. Masculinity is a sacred space of a man’s soul. And there’s no other way of sharing it but with another man, no matter if married, divorced, single or any sexual orientation. Thanks again for this wonderful space of sharing

  3. I came out relatively ‘late’ in life, after a loving marriage and children. It was not an easy time for my wife or myself but we managed to get to a place where now our friendship is as strong as ever and my sexuality is never an issue with her, or my boys ( now grown men ) . I’m still a Dad and Grandfather and never take that for granted . I’m lucky .

    Andres and Hermit , your words resonate and are very powerful.

    Respect .

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