Seb: I am 85 and will be 86 in February. Have wanked my cock since I was young — have never stopped. For the past 20 years, I do lots, I mean lots, of edging, with petit morts and inejacualtion, followed up with mind blowing orgasms at least three or four times a week and sweet ejaculations. i ingest my ejaculate, My. orgasms seem to get better each time. I have stoney erections and use a finger or two to massage my prostate one had to massage my prostate — often to orgasm. – PE

34 thoughts on “Mind Blowing Orgasms At 86

  1. I am 86 and love sex too! I wank almost daily but cum much less. my cum tastes lovely as did my friends a few weeks ago when I sucked him off
    Just started to drink my first piss of the day, usually a full glass, and love the taste. I wonder if it does me good, certainly no harm! Makes me wonder what other guys’ piss tastes like and hoping to try soon
    Anyone want to advise me?

  2. I have a semi erection every morning but live on my own so don’t continue to wank , I have no idea how to massage my prostrate must look this up , my body is good I should do more and will do now,photo of me I’m also eighty five,

  3. Thanks for the encouragement!!

    My entire work career in law enforcement I had to make the decision each and every day whether to fight or flee.

    Now that I’m retired at the age of 75 I have to make the decision each and every day whether to play of flee. LOL!!!

  4. I loved your shared story. I’ve been jerking off since I first knew how. At 71, I still do. Either alone or with someone which usually leads to oral pleasure. Having said that you have such a beautiful cock had could you possibly resist? I would love to slowly suck a nice hot load of your cum from that beautiful cock of yours. Stay well and keep stroking. Hugs, Don

  5. how nice to have such sexual performance at your age .. i am 80 and do the same as orgasms but with limp cock masturbation as i had prostatctomy , and i never do prostatic massage

  6. That’s wonderful for you ! Encouraging for the rest of us.
    Thank you for sharing this.
    I wish you many more years of powerful Orgasms and wonderful cums !

    1. Mr. PE: Seeing you gave me quite a hard erection – had to masturbate to completion as soon as I got home this morning. It would be beyond bliss for me to make love to you and swallow every drop of your ejaculate!

  7. ¡Encantado de conocer tu historia!… Al igual que tu, soy un hombre felizmente casado y pajero empedernido, que a los 55 años, se libró de las pajas culposas ocasionadas por la infantil formación religiosa, y gracias a sesiones de psicología tomadas, en momentos duros de mi vida. Hoy a mis 82 años, tengo como rutina hacerme 3 pajas y caminar en sus bordes y mantenerme allí tanto como me sea posible, tanto como la vida familiar me lo permitan, ya que vivo con una dama, que es mi esposa, que se ha retirado sexualmente hablando a “cuarteles de invierno” y debo atender mi necesidad sexual no atenuadas “a mano limpia”. Debo agradecer su inteligencia y comprensión, y que mis pajas, no solo son toleradas por ella, sino que son aceptadas buenamente, como una forma de convivir juntos y sin conflictos, y si alguna vez me sorprende en esto, no se escandaliza ni hace cuestiones. Lo toma como una necesidad mía, como la de ella, rezar el rosario e ir a conversar con sus amigas. Todos los días desde que tenía 69 años inicio mis mañanas con tres pajas hasta el borde, antes de levantarme. antes, durante, y después de mi desayuno en nuestra cama. En lo posible solo, y si no, bueno, ella hace sus cosas y yo mis pajas… Puedo decir que eyaculo una vez cada 60 bordes, porque de ese modo, no se me presenta la “refracción” y puedo prontamente continuar con mis pajas, ya que he visto que si eyaculo, no regresan las ganas hasta tres días después de acabar. Me interesaría conocer más sobre si es cierto que consumir sus propias eyaculaciones, mejoran a posteriori la calidad de las erecciones que en mi caso, se han vuelto más débiles, tal vez por el uso o el abuso, o simplemente por los años que cargo encima. Te escucho atento y… ¡Felices pajas!

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