15 thoughts on “Father of All Life? 

  1. There are 8 billion people on this planet, and every last one of them is here because a man got hard and ejaculated.
    Truly, hail penis.

    1. Gentleman, He is not exactly my type, but I am very malleable. He looks like my DR. Somehow his wrinkles & his hairy dick arouse me. I think he’s got nipples, that can react . I would like to dominate him, not brutally, just lead-entice him into several scenes. He looks thin as well, w/ a hairy butt I ‘d go for fucking him. I do detect his right very subtle nip. Wish he was in Berlin. How does one find -connect with some of these very arousing men? Your all in Britain?


    2. Your cock turns me on more, Jhonny. That’s what I love about attraction. It’s so individual. Gods are personal.

  2. I certainly hope everyone who reads this post can truly understand and comprehend what was stated, and doesn’t conclude that it’s a blaspheming narrative, denying the glory and obvious reasons that purpose the conscience of our creation and this life we all have been given!

    1. I couldn,t agree more. He is rather dishy and his cock should be in my mouth. What a lovely place for a girl to hang her dirty nylons while she changes into a clean pair for him. Of course tickling his balls with the silky soft stocking tops while sucking his massive cock should do the
      trick! Love Cindy

  3. Can enjoy seeing what other men look like, that apart of my guilt pleasure. Keep sending your special packages, life will great for me.

    1. Yes men are great pleasure. I hail phallus as my god and get great HaPenis.

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