9 thoughts on “Life Begins At 50

  1. Albrecht Dürer made the image of the perfect man in his engraving of Adam and Eve in 1504. Behold “Adam” reborn as the HaPenis “mature gardener”!


  2. And a man’s sex life doesn’t END at 78 or 88 or until it does! I’m sorry, there is not a single man on this page that I don’t want to have sex with. But to my eyes, the sexiest photo of the lot is the one at the top, repeated on the left half way down. The guy has a mouth-watering arse to begin with, as do others on the post. But what he also has that makes me drool, makes my cock drool and swell, is the break in the line of the crease under his two buttocks, because his right leg is turned slightly outward. The way he’s standing is an invitation! A man’s arse, whatever his age, can’t get any sexier looking or more seductive than that!

    1. AJ, I was taken by that arse too. What I also love is that you too look right into images to find what it is that makes them that bit more erotic.

    2. Hey Stephen, can’t help myself, except I have to try to, otherwise I’d spend all day reacting to these pics, many of which, not all, are superb photographs, of men who, not all, are just irresistibly, mouth-wateringly, cock-erectifyingly (not that mine always rises to the occasion) sexy. As you agree, the arousal is produced by the little details. I guess I’m just over-sexed or something.

    3. PS And if you get me started, I could tell your what, for me, is the erotic epicentre of every pic on this page.

    4. Oh the utter essence of a sexy man on all fours, ass held high ready for play

    1. Mike, I like your cock a lot! Your body’s not bad either. Viel Spaß, have a great time!

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