4 thoughts on “Kinbaku Shibari

  1. I find these photos intensely arousing. Binding them with beautifully tied ropes makes these men look even more potent than they already obviously are. I can’t take my eyes off the photo of the engorged uncut cock bound with rough rope that presses into the skin.

    1. I think the vulnerability the ropes leads men to having is intensely arousing as well! I would definitely try this should the opportunity come up.

  2. Hi Seb,
    I may have sent you these before to add to your collection or rather even drawn from there…….
    I find beauty in the rope and men and it seems to crossover into the beauty of men’s arses by the accentuation by the butt straps of the elemental jockstrap. Both aesthetic and functional in the restraint of the fully laden pouch.

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