According to Greek scientists, the length of a man’s index finger can accurately predict the length of his penis. The findings are published in the September issue of the journal Urology. Dr. Evangelos Spyropoulos and colleagues from the Naval and Veterans Hospital of Athens, Greece say they conducted their investigation to gather more information on the relationship between body measurements and male genitalia size. They argue that such information as well as a clearer definition of “normal penile size” will help doctors counsel and treat the many men who are concerned about perceived inadequacies relating to their genitals. In their study they measured penile length and testicular volume in 52 healthy young males between the ages of 19 and 38 and compared them with other body measurements including height, weight, body mass index, index finger length and waist/hip ratio. Their studies concluded that the only body part measurements that were associated with the size of the genitalia, was the index finger length, which correlated significantly with the dimensions of the penis. – SOURCE: Urology 2002;60:485-491.

4 thoughts on “Index Fingering

  1. A striking pose indeed, Johnny! I had the same experience this morning while enjoying the extreme delights from massaging my old frenulum … my prostate, perineum sac and cock were on fire and THEN I slid my moistened middle finger in through my anus. The feeling of my finger tip up against my engorged prostate, veins pulsing, was beyond words beyond words! After repeating several times, I can honestly say the glow lingers now some2.5 hours later! Thanks so much for sharing!!!

  2. Very sexy masculine man. I love to see masculine men who are into anal stimulation. This will not make you less of a man. It just feels good!

  3. I prefer the “FUCK YOU” finger I try not to use it on anyone but enjoy using it on myself. I play and tease my rosebud and as a gift for the amazing feeling I get I give it a FUCK YOU. The shivers it sends through my body is so pleasing I rub my chestnut and entensify shutter I then pull it out and repeat the pleasure

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