24 thoughts on “If I Need A Label?

  1. AJ (?) & Paul(?) – Thank you for your precise responses to this particular entry. It is very heartening to hear how expansive your sexual lives have been and continue to be. Mine, (by the way) is non-existent and I am way too close to being 80 ~ (6 months in fact) to even think of beginning again. But in all truth, it no longer seems to be of any consequence to me. As the last delightful sexual experiences were over 9 years ago… and it was the other man who made it so very delightful! He died and left me incredibly angry at him… but, mostly at life itself for what it promised, and then reneged on said promise of more great sexual experiences with him… by dying! He was an alcoholic and had spent the last part of his life going in and out of places that claimed to help alcoholics return to a regular life. His wife was partly to blame, but she lacked common sense and had the brains of a fly! She remarried shortly after his death (I cannot blame her) and I am sincere in hoping she is happier with this man as she must have been with my friend, her first husband. Life goes on and I look forward to whatever lies ahead when I make that final journey looking for sexual fulfillment in an unknown world…

    1. Dear RAS,
      It sounds to me that your last relationship was worth a lifetime of loving and losing. None of us ever has enough time with the ones we love. You write so eloquently about your life that I want to send you a poem that I shared with our HaPenis brothers a while ago in the post “When the Light Enters You.” I don’t know if you read poetry or even like it, but this poem speaks directly to, in fact echoes, your own prose poem about love, loss, growing old, and never giving up. So here it is:

      Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night

      Do not go gentle into that good night,
      Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
      Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

      Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
      Because their words had forked no lightning they
      Do not go gentle into that good night.

      Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
      Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
      Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

      Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
      And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
      Do not go gentle into that good night.

      Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
      Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
      Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

      And you, my father, there on the sad height,
      Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
      Do not go gentle into that good night.
      Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

  2. Is there any way to find out who the man outside the cabin is? This man is beyond hot, the epitome of masculinity and is gifted with a set of genitals that would make anyone take notice.

  3. This is a response to my reply above. (‘Phill S’)
    Please excuse grammatical, errors… I couldn’t find a way to edit/correct them – or my name – after it posted..

  4. I think if you need a label you should have one. If you don’t, then don’t. For me, “bisexual” doesn’t describe a sexual biography like mine, nor does “gay,” so I’d rather just not bother to have any label at all. Except maybe, “really likes sex, which used to be one kind (though always tempted by the other), now definitely the other. Always loved to masturbate, which is also a kind of sex!” That’s way too many words for a label! My awakening to sex, apart from my own discovery of my own cock, was thanks to an older boy in high school. We became passionate lovers! My parents found out about my “gay” affair and sent me off to boarding school in England (What??? Talk about throwing Brer Rabbit into the briar patch!). But I didn’t make any progress there as a “gay,” although I did masturbate a lot in the woods. When I returned to the US from my year of sexual banishment and reform, I got into girls, like, really into them, mouth, nose, tongue and cock, the lot. But at the same time I continued having wonderfully powerful fantasies about sex with men. Suddenly, I would want to have sex with a particular man I knew and would get really close to doing so. But I never did. Just didn’t. Coward! Three marriages, five kids, and hundreds of homosexual fantasies later, I finally started having glorious, actual sex with actual men, with cocks large and small, in my early fifties. And here I am on HaPenis today, many, many torrid affairs with men and some very weird and wonderful hook-ups with cross-dressers later, happily sharing, in very abbreviated form, my story with you, my HaPenis brothers. But my question, in response to this post, is this: Is my story the story of a “bisexual” man? Can I be “bi” if I’m not having both kinds of sex at the same time, now one, now the other, so that there’s something binary about my sexual behaviour? I never behaved that way, except maybe one or two times. Or am I just an “alternating bisexual” (I looked that label up), “alternating” from one man, to many women, to many men? Nah, not really, because while I was really into women, I was having simultaneous fantasies about having sex with men that were just as meaningful for me as the actual sex with women. But that would make me a “heterosexual with gay fantasies,” not a “bisexual.” Or a “spectral-hetero-bisexual” perhaps? And now I’m just voraciously, exclusively “gay” in my sexual behaviour, but not in my lifestyle, which is to all appearances “heterosexual.” And I’m not really in the closet, since I’ve let lots of people I know that I’m “gay,” but not everyone. Again, hard to pin down who and what I am. I SHOULD BE CONFUSED! But you know what, I’m not in the slightest! I’m just me and I love it, now that I’m finally gay, though living as a heterosexual … I give up. Fuck the labels!

    PS LOVE the hung guy in the cabin! Why is he all alone (apart from the camera person)?

    1. In my decades on the planet…reading stories, hearing stories, personal experience …I believe sexuality is a spectrum and all human beings fall somewhere on that spectrum. on one end, you have those who enjoy sex with a partner of the opposite gender. On the other end, those who enjoy sex with the same-sex gender. Most humans fall somewhere in between. They like sex and engage in it to satisfy their need. No labels needed.
      In my opinion, when you put a label on something -,people, cans, boxes etc, you add the element of judgment.. big, tall, sweet, unsweetened, no fat, 2%, fat, gay, straight, bi etc.
      When it comes to human beings, that ’judgment can limit some people -men and women – from engaging in something that may enjoy for fear of being labeled or judged.
      Notice today we have added the term ‘bromance.’ to our list of (labels.) That seems to be a ‘safe’ place that encompasses different levels of friendships or connections. I believe this is especially evident in younger men who are still developing and experimenting with different connections in an attempt to decide who they are, and where they fit. ‘Bromance’ takes the sting out of being labeled, gay, straight bi or whatever..
      Maybe one day – in a perfect world – we can exist on that spectrum and engage in whatever form of sexuality we need or want at any particular time of our lives.

    2. I did have a couple of females but the success of sex didn’t take ,so I tried men and found well endowed men like myself are a rarity,I only find older guys in bars or gay bathhouse it’s takes me to have sex with four guys and I am the dominant guy when I ejaculate on one I am ready for the next now I didn’t mention I am just 3 years being 75 and healthy

  5. I am bisexual am embarrassed to a amit it but I definitely would love to try and suck a men’s cock in the flesh if from uk my family don’t know but if anyone willing to meet up for a chat maybe more if not shy like me…. Would love to hear from them

  6. In ancient times young men .. were given to tutors .. and in this period of study was sometimes also of Sexual – emotional formation probably experienced both, sex games and
    when fully grown up they followed their natural formed instinct ,
    maybe just str8 or were often bisexual having wifes for fatherhood and male bromance for emotion or whatever sex games , as we are all different at sex !
    It was a natural issue without the traumas that catholic religion provoke inventing str8 homos and love marriage for life
    It was a natural acceptante of sexual drives in each human and in society , i do not think eccess like we find today , existed in ancient societies ! People were mentally more balanced as not traumatized by the culture they grew in !
    Biogically, women are not procreative after 40 and men are always aroused until 80 ( as for i am personally concerned ) this is why sometimes at 40-50 yo some men return to look for nice sex emotionals moment they experienced as teenagers and forgot for a while during their adult age

    1. A majority of men are bi and don’t know it yet or don’t wish to admit it. That is my two cents. I’ve been with women and men since 15. I was raised Catholic and was led to believe any homosexual thoughts, let alone behavior was sinful and demonic, which looking back was complete BS. I am an atheist now and don’t care what society or religions perpetuate. I enjoy both genders because each as their own energy and beauty. Men especially are more powerful and intense. When men are alone together in private, magical things happen. There is an abiding love, a brotherhood that is indescribable. Women are gentle flowers. Men are beasts. It’s just in our DNA. I am divorced from two women. I have one grown son from each marriage. I tried to pass as straight, but couldn’t deal with the lies and extramarital affairs. I had to come clean. Every man I was sexually with was also a married man with kids whose families wound’t understand. So many men are waging personal battles with who they inherently are. Luckily, my ex-wives have grown to accept me and our families have blended to become inclusive co-parents and good friends. Yet, I still identify as bisexual and would have intercourse with the right woman again. I just don’t want to hide who I am. Although I do lean towards men more because of the sex and bond we share. I wish more people adopted critical thinking skills and realized that whatever consenting adults do to and with one another in private, is THEIR BUSINESS.

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