I used to read this thing on the internet about how to touch a man. I kind of knew it i read it so many times. But i never wrote it down. That’s the problem about getting older. You forget somethings. But this is what I can remember. Begin with your hands open very wide and place them about half an inch away from his body Work up and down his body without actually touching Him. Touch him with your breathe, blow on every single tiny part of him as if he is on fire, all the little bits that make him the man he is. Start with his face and gradually make your way down to his toes. Touch him as if your hands were magick, radiating love energy with every stroke. Feel the energy penetrating through his skin, through his flesh, entering into the prostate of his mind. Touch him with the very tips of your fingers as if they were the the feet of the best football player in the world.

7 thoughts on “How To Touch A Man

  1. I would love the opportunity to explore another man’s body using all my senses. I would like to find out about how different it is from my own body and that of a woman. I have chosen one route but long to explore my reaction to another naked male body. Any tips would be gratefully received.

    1. As I view men pleasuring each other – looking into each other’s eyes – conveying how much love and affection they have for each other. Words alone makes up a part of their affection, but, only a part —essentially needed, caressing, transferring each other’s feelings with increasing intensity that leads to their expressing their love when that orgasm and ejaculation is mutually occurring! Mind blowing feelings for each other is real! I love being a man!

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