Shift the foreskin of your cock upward so there’s a good amount of it above your knob end, almost like the neck of a balloon. Either with lube or pre-cum, put one finger into the mass of foreskin and wind it round and round the bell. Can be done solo or by someone else for you. Takes ages. A release of watery cum or piss helps boost the liquid around your knob end now and again. As your finger winds round and round you’ll feel one particular part of your glans or bell giving you immense pleasure. Find it Moist. Nick

Sometimes, I still get amazed at a new sensation I manage to trigger in my penis and especially the skin. The technique you mention is similar to one I do. I have enough overhang when hard ( and yeah, like the neck of a balloon ) sitting off the end of my cock. I begin to stroke upwards in a sort of pinching motion my the overhang. It’s not so much a pinch, more a slow two or three finger caress. You may not feel much at first, but like most 4skin play it takes a little while to drop. And drop it does. All of a sudden, it’s like a thick heavy itch that engulfs the tip of my 4skin and spreads across the ridged band. By this point, the pre will be really starting to flow and with consistent patient strokes the hood becomes very moist and tender. Like frenulum work and depending on your edge or bate demand, the orgasm is very heavy and deep. Love your site. – Batedude

8 thoughts on “Hooded Dudes

  1. I have a long overhang.
    For the earlier part of my life I was dissatisfied with it. I thought a “proper” penis had a foreskin that would roll itself back on erection without manual assistance.
    It meant to me that either my erect cock was too short to stretch itself free, or my foreskin was too long. Either view made me feel bad about it.
    I have let all of that go now and I’m very happy with how it looks, works and importantly, how it feels.
    I love learning about the possibilities of pleasure from the foreskin here.

  2. One guaranteed way to arouse me is for another guy to slip a finger inside my foreskin and circle it around my helmet. If he happens to be kissing me whilst doing so I will soon be leaking precum making his task easier. Once his finger has searched out the opening of my uretha I then urge him to replace his finger with his tongue whilst I suck his finger clean.
    Whilst I love foreskin, I also love circumcised cocks and am very happy to give my attention to both. No man should ever be made to feel apologetic for being circumcised or for having a foreskin,
    believe me both provide an equal measure of sexual pleasure

    1. There was a time that I would not be naked in front of anyone mostly because I was uncut and all the other guys and mean ALL were cut, so I was very self conscious about it , if I did have to undress I would ensure to pull back on it so that I would appear to be like everyone else, it wasn’t until I was about 23 yrs old that I had an encounter with an older man that was beyond excited I was uncut, from that day forward I became proud and very sharing of my uncut cock a TRUE NATURAL BEAUTY

    2. I to was embarrassed of my uncut cock around boys in the locker rooms. Everyone was cut and I mean everyone. I pulled my foreskin back and tried to make it stay so I wouldn’t look different. Didn’t work too well. Finally well into my 30s I began to love my foreskin cock and all the sensations it brings. Now I am in love with hooded dicks and spend numerous hours watching men and trying to guess if they are cut or uncut. Gets me hard. Just love a bulge. Now tasting an uncut wet drpping with precum is my fantasy.

  3. I’d like to add that the pleasure of exploring under the hood of a hooded dude, particularly a beloved one, with my tongue and sipping his nectar as I do has also always been IMMENSE.

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