2 thoughts on “Sexological Soldiers

  1. Wow Nick!
    I am very proud for you both. That you were able to be men together despite that environment.
    Cheers mate

  2. “There are boundless amounts of information here that have guided me on my way to the fruition of my true self.”
    True words that, I at least, found to be immensely true and well put. ~ Thank you for your post on cumm.co.uk. I have informed several other of my Gay friends of the site and hope they have found it helpful if they are still traveling down that road of self-discovery and then the all important ~ “self acceptance!” I am 77 years old and confined to a small town with small minds, but at my age it matters not if I find a fellow traveler on the last part of my journey. It would be lovely and I’d be thankful if it were to happen. But, that search ended some time ago and now I am content to pursue my interests here online. Will I be successful? I hope, but if not, that is to be accepted ~~~ and I do. RA

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