10 thoughts on “Homo-Emotional

  1. For me, the homo-emotional preference towards men is closely linked with the homoerotic attraction of the full male body. Men of all shapes and sizes are gorgeous: faces, chests, armpits, hands, stomachs, buttocks, cocks and balls. But the anus is probably the most concealed and private part, which is hidden even when a man is ordinarily naked in front of others. For many gay men, revealing their arsehole for rimming or penetration is the ultimate act of exposure and vulnerability. Once I have put my anus on display and let another man enter my body, I have nothing left to hide. Similarly, when a man makes his arse available to me, I feel trusted and grateful to him. And once a man has cum inside another man, the two are linked emotionally in a unique and enduring bond.

  2. A man’s anus… Full of pleats, hairy and thirsty for a tongue fervently exploring its pulsations of ecstasy and voluptuousness… How not to get horny when you see a hot, hairy and sexy man offering his narrow “pleasure hole” and pulsating and tight…
    My tongue itches because of such a sexual drawing between 2 men…Or more!!

    1. Sure, à man has 2 mouths to eat, drink and love with , to be yourself needs sexual expérience and the will ti open bodily, mentally and give your soûl to somebody

  3. I can’t explain what it makes me feel.
    His dilated anus invites me to suck it furiously, greedily without peace, and I can’t wait any longer to enter inside him, his wet, hot anus that embraces my sex.
    I want to fill him with pleasure to see him enjoy like never before, to ask for more.

    1. This, Walter, is an absolutely wonderful statement. In just a few words, you capture EXACTLY the moment that we all have experienced, the moment when any internal debate about whether or not we should or we shouldn’t like what we like, want what we want, is BLOWN AWAY by just doing what we know we want to do. Just great that you can put that moment of self-awareness and decision to act into words. Brilliant.

    2. A choice if ever, is to forge ahead, touch, lick, wet, slide, enter, stretch, pummel, pulse, fuck, own, dive, dominate, pleasure self + other. Exctasy, not the drug, strip feigning, remain in the thrust, meet to become one. Whether in fantasy, with a woman, a man, beyond binary or definition, the act of loosing oneself in conjunction with another is singularly one of the deepest “religious” experiences of life. Being at one with all life. Being totally with another being. Wow, it is a sacred act of love to honour all creation by enacting life affirming sex. Consciously. Why would the universe deign to design access to ecstasy if the point is to deny it? Refuse it. Quell curiosity + lust? Why remove any form of respectful love? As a dear friend simply stated … if the universe did not want us to use it, there would not be holes there.

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