2 thoughts on “His Majesty

  1. I think that I have long believed that Real Men are those with the balls to go further, embracing all that their bodies have for them. Whether a dildo, a finger, or another man’s penis (a more complex experience perhaps psychologically), Real Men have opened their minds to all that masculinity offers.

    The very sexy man in that video demonstrates this, though all too quickly, however I am grateful to participate visually.

  2. I was never keen on my arse because it contained all the tension of life’s many disappointments. Stiff upper lip and mad dogs and Englishmen going out in the mid day sun. But as a wild colonial boy I’m neither English nor mad. With a love of the sun and a hairy doggy by my side i opened a new back door to pleasures previously unknown. I discovered there is pleasure to be had. My balls and taint are all linked to my arse and that the whole trench can be rubbed with a sympathetic cock to tease my hole til begs for more. A rim of pleasure awaits from the administrations of a stroking genius bum chum. So a big black vibrating dildo seemed the best purchase to prepare for the real thing, that and a big jar of jelly lube that will stick to the knob as I slide it in.
    While not an immediate success, the sheer novelty of a new pleasure zone is enough to spur me on. The way it slides silky and full past one, then a second tighter ring, the very act of breathing to relax makes this intentional act one of great presence. The way my arse sucks it in is the surprise. The inner muscles strain to contain and press against my walnut, no wonder it’s addictive. I see the brown eye now in a different light, a fresher hue, as it’s set amongst a sweaty gym fit pair of buns. I’m off for my squats now and my hip flexors and my abdominal wall exercises just to tone up those rings of delight. Thank you my big black dildo for all the indoor fun on a rainy day.

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