If there was ever a wake up call, this is fucking it. As we slowing build back the site we would really appreciate your HaPenis Submission.

Have you been inspired by the HaPenis Project?

Have you something positive to say about sacred and sensual masculinity?

Has Your Life been changed since you began your sacred journey into HaPenis?

Are you an exceptional wanker?

Do you enjoy an unusual fetish?

Are your dreams and fantasies about men and their cocks?

Could you write about 500+words telling us about your HaPenis Philosophy. You can post below. Feel free to attach(choose Files) up to 20 images to go with your words of wisdom. Always remember when it cumms to you and your sexuality, you are the absolute expert, butt, when it cumms to someone else’s sexuality you are absolutely not. Please post below.

45 thoughts on “HaPenis Submission


    COME TOGETHER (Anonymous)
    Where one man can survive,
    Two will fare well;
    Three and their Families will form a tribe,
    A thousand like-minds form their own Nation
    With Nature as the ruler of their lives.
    Find your Brothers!
    Find your own piece of land to envelop,
    Like Minds:
    Share your thoughts.
    Let customs and traditions develop,
    Let respect be the medium of exchange.
    Let brotherhood of your minds grow along.
    Love your brothers the way you love your own self;
    Give our children paths to choose from
    That can’t go wrong.
    Come together,
    Oh brothers!
    Come together.
    Your life on Earth is just so long:
    Dig the Earth
    Know what comes of your digging,
    Learn the simple life of Nature –

    Let it guide you along

    Remembering to Breathe (by Martin H. For Lee)
    You gave me
    So much
    And I took it all.
    I gave you
    So much
    And you took it
    But now,
    You’ve stopped wanting to take
    And I’m left
    High and dry
    Without my best friend,
    And utterly numb
    Utterly cut-up
    Utterly alone
    I AM hurting now
    Not crying and letting it all
    Hang out
    Like you would.
    But I am hurting
    Deep inside
    Numb and numbing
    Took alcohol to bed
    That first night
    I hardly eat nowadays.
    I stare blankly around me
    With shutters shut tight
    To communication
    Forgetting to smile
    But remembering to breathe
    It’s over.
    I lie here
    Eyes closed
    With daggers in my stomach
    Cut-cutting and slicing and hacking me still
    With shutters shut tight
    To communication.
    Forgetting to laugh
    But remembering to keep


    1. Beautiful poem. Breath taking. I don’t know who your Lee is but I hope soon your relationship can cum back in complete love–restored.

      I’m hurting as you and far from my home. Brought to a place foreign to me. As days go by I feel more and more alone. I cry alone. I shouldn’t even be sharing this. I love him so very much but now he’s more into his relatives and I feel, once again, alone. Remember the old song ‘The Sloop John B’? I feel so broke up I want to go home.

      Yet, I will keep loving him and do my best to drag myself from this melancholic state.

      I hope you and your Lee can find that place of deep love. We’re not out of deep love, but I feel as if after a few years of marriage were drifting and I’m so scared. I don’t know what I’d do without him. Die I guess.

      Don’t give up…

    Waterbubble (by Martin H. For my uncle Nanne)
    Your eyes taught me
    About suffering
    You knew
    You were
    At death’s door
    And yet your eyes showed me
    How not to fear,
    But to accept
    Skin and bones you were
    Skin and bones
    You starved
    You were left to starve
    Because your body had no more use for food.
    Body rotting
    Your body was rotting
    And sweating that sweet smell
    Filling the room with the aroma
    Of death.
    Your blood and your vomit and your shit
    Were always efficiently dealt with
    By the clinical women
    Who were paid to nurse you
    Day and night and day and night and …
    You had nothing left to give
    Yet while I held your hand
    Or kissed your forehead
    I FELT
    Your appreciation
    Your eyes taught me
    About death:
    “Don’t ignore it”
    They said
    “It will come to all of us, in time –
    Let this be a lesson to you:
    Live your life
    Love life
    Love yourself.
    ‘Cos any
    Like a waterbubble –
    We will


    Butterflies of Desire (by Martin H.)
    I want you
    I need you
    I suppress my need
    For intimacy
    With the real warmth of a real body
    For a look upon
    On DVDs
    Cinema screens
    The internet
    Live! On Stage!
    In magazines
    In saunas
    In dark rooms
    Parks …
    The look of lust that’s in your eyes
    As you sport a passion that I can only dream of
    The way you lovers go at it
    With bodies like GODS
    Without shame
    With wild abandon
    Your siren calls me –
    I kid myself that I am free:
    Months go by … your call beckons
    I binge
    Hopeless –
    Spend money I don’t have
    Spend time with faces I don’t know
    People whose bodies I see (but not their eyes)
    Just for a touch of your cold, cold, cold embrace
    I substitute make-believe
    (So unlike the real touch, of a real lover!)
    Leaving me spent
    I sit here
    Filled with remorse
    Sick of all my (broken) promises:
    Butterflies of desire
    Line my stomach
    Filling my cup to the brink
    Yet here I remain

    Words (by Martin H.)
    Words –
    They fill the blank page
    Bring paper to life!
    Don’t mess with their power,
    Words can kill
    Can harm you
    Should they feel so inclined.
    And when that’s not enough,
    Can weave a spell for you
    Just you
    Only you, you, you, you!
    To make you stop
    And think.
    Can nurture you
    In its heaving bosom
    Give you eyes to see
    Ears to hear
    Smells to smell
    Orgasms to moan with:
    Is like life lived without love

    A waste.

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