As sunlight is known to have fantastic germicidal and magickal qualities exposing your arse to its rays will help keep it healthy. Start by exposing your back to the sun. Bend forward placing your hands above your ankles. Feel the sunlight on your arse, and then feel the heat penetrate into your rosebud(arse tissues)

As you know Seb, I am very keen on getting my butt and sack into the sun. I love a nutt brown taint and and golden set of arse cheeks all year round if possible. As for the inner sanctum of rosebud – in my more discrete moments unmatched by passers by, I do like to open my cheeks by various poses to let the sunshine in. The warmth of the sun on your rosebud is a delight and transports me to another world where i feel its rays insert me and warm the very innards of my backslide. Very pleasant. Will take a photo next sunny day…. butt arse selfies are as tough as a good cock selfie…. butt i will try. Well, I thought a cock selfies was hard – but the arse selfie is a tight squeeze to master. As my arse was itchy today, yearning for some attention, I decided to forego my afternoon downward dog and opted for a Dragon Flag in the buff. With my arse hole pointing directly to the sky and my third eye illuminated by the penetrating warmth of the sun’s rays the very cockles of my soul were stirred by the gentle afternoon sun kissing at my rosebud. When, after a long silent pause and the little garden birds had sung for quite a while, I lowered my body back down to the ground, a good flow of air farted from relaxed sphincters, rushing out of my anal chamber silent and warm. Quiet, rather than an uptight trumpet embouchure, my lips were at peace…..Warm rosebud on a sunny day. – BoB
Great article… unless you have a genetic predisposition, illness, or on medication where sunlight is not a good idea… limited sun is good! Just don’t burn!! take it slowly!!
Very nice pictures!
Im a balls and asshole man…and yours are way hot. Thanks for posting them.
Your cock is reaching for the sun, nice!
Wow! i would love to walk up on you when you are sunbathing!
Very nice, everything I love, want and need! Thanks Ustefan
Love the picture I also love how good the sun feels on my balls 😊
Another arse pic in the sun.
Thank you for your beautiful arse hole Gregg! Something I’d definitely like to come across on a sunny day! Would it like to be kissed in the sun?
Beautiful picture Gregg! Thanks for this intimate show!
Enjoying the afternoon sun …
Adrian, keep up the great work with your posts on You are amazing!
manly and kinky at work: a selection of me in action.
My arse likes to get penetrated in the sun.
We don’t get sun in the UK ☹️
Yes. Rare – butt still possible. My top flat in the New Town of Edinburgh afforded a cupola, which when arsended bi ladder unfolded a flat valley in the roof – a sort of roof cleavage where, on sunny days my bud could be pricked by warm Scottish sunlight. I noted from time to time various others of my neighbours each on their roof stripping bare – or so I imagined, as I could only see their top halves. The young lady across the street waved once.
I also love showing my asshole and balls to the sun.
My assis always open for fun.
the zac hole.
draws you in?
YES, how soon can you get here? wink