11 thoughts on “G(o)d Sex

  1. OK. I’m a skilled lover. The key is not caring if you are or not. I got together tonight with a guy who said he wanted to meet me and did. We chatted then got naked. He liked cuddling and was an ok kisser and didn’t have great moves. I sucked him and got him excited to the point where he wanted to fuck me. A condom, lube, various positions, his cock wilted. Back to stroking sucking and chatting about how the mind kills potency. Just taking it easy with mutual stroking and more attention to his cock until it got hard. He started saying itxwas probably time to say good night, but I mounted him and got him inside me, bare. We had a delicious fuck and I had my first cock induced prostrate orgasm.

    Got to persuade the cock to use his own mind in his own time. Keep the brain out of it: that’s key. And as much as you masturbate and write about sex, actually having it, with another man, is where it’s at.

  2. I keep having G(o)d sex!!!! Depending on your definition of “G/god” it’s all been divine. Teddy agrees. Carpe diem brothers!

    Thanks for the fabulous dialogue and provocative discussion! Some of the very
    BEST sex I’ve had involved everything except
    full anal penetration! RIM, in my book is sacrosanct and must always be included.
    I have a young friend who works at a canabis shop and has an incredibly nice cock witha mushroom head that expands quite alot when stimulated (it gets huge) he works that thick tool between my clenched legs and I deep throat and deep tongue his hairy asshole, AMBROSIA! I used to be working for one goal, getting that glove sprayed all over my face or swallowing every drop of it, No, my priority is to hang on as long as humanly possible while he frantically pounds away, he has long hair, and I love how he gets wet sweaty and his musky pheremones rain down in me… Don’t get me wrong I”ve enjoyed incredible anal sex but the “Wonderful World of Wubbing” (say that like Madeleine Kahn)

    1. Beautiful cock, TobyJ, the shapes of the shaft and head,, the dark hair against the white skin, and the dark line down the middle of his/your (?) balls leading you-know-where! I love how in your description of having sex/making love with your friend, you write in a way that lets me smell and taste his sweat as well as his hairy asshole odour as you root and tongue your way deep inside him. Wonderful to imagine you two together!

  4. Well, since I asked the question, here’s an example from last Tuesday. A 36 year old stud I had been chatting with suddenly showed up at my door. We stripped in the front hall kissing passionately and moved into the living room. I hadn’t had time to take a pill so no way I was going to get hard. But he was into me and I into him. We never stopped sucking and rimming and yes “fucking” each other. He was so big but I asked him over and over to keep trying to fuck me and each time he got further inside me. I “fucked” him several times but never got hard enough to give him all the pleasure he was asking for as he groaned (I thought: what a sweetie you are!). But I took his cock smelling of me in my mouth and he came and then we kissed and shared his sweet cum. Because I had masturbated that morning I couldn’t cum. But nothing mattered about “performance” because we were into each other. He wasn’t expecting what I did with his cock..or how passionate I was. I wasn’t expecting him to get so aroused by little old man me. He was the God but was the Guru. The key was: no stopping, just full on full body worship of each other’s skin, smell, cocks, anuses, mouths, tongues, nipples, armpits. Bodies are a whole pilgrimage site covered with gods to adore. No reason to fixate on just one god. We’re all polytheistic. A whole Hindu pantheon in one male body.

    1. AJ, thank you. This is a great topic as so much man sex is as you say, cock or arse. The Performance is very high for men and can get in the way of exactly what you describe, for either or both men. It is cumpletely joyous when your lack of expectations meet and discovery and worship take over.

    2. I couldn’t have expressed in that well, Bumchum. How do we keep the surprise and the wonder and the worship in what, for many of us, becomes a routine driven by an urge and governed by anxieties about performing like “real men.”

    3. PS “I was the Guru,” was what I meant to write, but how typical to cast us both in separate roles, when in fact we were both god and guru, absolutely no distinguishing us in that way and THAT, if I may continue, is also key to G(o)d sex: no sense of being better or worse, older or younger, bigger or smaller, tighter or looser, hairier or skinnier. All of that vanished when we got together on Tuesday. For that hour, we LOVED each other’s bodies, we worshipped each other. I know that, Bumchum. And it is unforgettable.

      One other suggestion for studying “G(o)d sex” : porn films. I have always been struck by the difference between porn films where the sex is scripted and mechanical and the rare times when it is clear that the two guys are really, really into each other. Let’s find an example and carefully observe what makes all the difference. It is huge and it is a Revelation.

    4. Hi Bumchum, I tried to register for your blog but something went wrong and so I sent an email to the help place. Hopefully I’ll get in and will watch your video later, with pleasure!

      In the meantime, have a look at this: https://www.machotube.tv/movies/2887154/dombeeef-and-kaden-hylls

      I got his link from a list on the page of a “friend” on Planet Romeo, a young, stacked guy who’s not interested in meeting up with me but likes to get advice from time to time from the “daddy” he never had.

      I just watched this particular video but I think its a good example of what I’ve seen on some of the other links from my friend’s list.
      The “porn” is, from the very start and continuously as the clip runs (it’s 43 minutes long!), turned into real “lovemaking” between two guys. The key factors are:

      1. The obvious pleasure they both have in being with each other.
      2. The pacing, mainly controlled by the dom, who takes his time and provides time for his partner to enjoy their being together.
      3. The kissing and attention they both pay to the whole body, not just cocks and the sub’s asshole. The dom’s huge pleasure in sucking his partner’s toes.
      4. The having fun with making a self video and the breaks in the “theatre” of the staged sex that those moments create, so the viewer really feels that, no, this isn’t porn, this is two guys having great sex and filming themselves as they do.

      I’ll be curious to know what you think!

    5. Hi Bumchum, I have been trying and trying to sign up for your blog but I keep being knocked back. The help desk is being very helpful and we are trying to solve the problem, but maybe you could tell me where you got the clip. Off the internet somewhere, or is it homemade (!)? Anyway, I look forward to watching it if I can manage to. Did you have a look at the link I put up?

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