4 thoughts on “Go Fuck Yourself

  1. Imagine you walked into a pub and saw yourself sitting at the bar. Would you find that man attractive and give him a furtive second glance? Would you take the vacant seat next to him and start chatting him up? Would you want to fuck yourself?

    Of course, we all have hang-ups about our bodies, which are never as handsome, toned or youthful as we’d like. Yet there’s a lot more to attraction than physical appearance. Personally, my tastes in men are fairly diverse, and I am attracted to men of various shapes, sizes and ages. In fact, I find mature, everyday, normal men much more sexy than handsome, honed, hunky models. What really makes a man stand out is a welcoming smile, friendly word, glint in his eye, and a restrained self-confidence.

    While most of us can’t do very much about our physical attributes, everyone can work on the personable aspects that make us more appealing and approachable. If you did meet yourself in a bar, hopefully you would find that man attractive and want to fuck yourself all night.

  2. I think I could listen to Professor Sprankle endlessly. I have missed my calling and studied the wrong discipline.

    Great addition to the website. Thanks!

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