5 thoughts on “The Fucking Expert

  1. One of the very many reasons labels are for clothes.
    I have zero use for them.
    They are not beneficial and I think erect false barriers between us as humans, as men.
    God knows being bullied as a kid, I suffered with the labels and name calling.
    This bullying is the EXACT reason I am a fearless adult.
    Being bullied over time as a child created a superpower that has served me well.
    I hope others can turn their bad experiences into a superpower as well.
    It can begin as simply as deciding to, then making it happen whatever that looks like!!!
    Our brains permit us to have the superpowers we all have.
    Peace and love and HaPenis to all our brothers.

  2. Expert in others’ sexuality I definitely am not, can’t even tell a lot of the time however some people do seem to give obvious clues. I have to take them at face value and assume nothing.
    As for my own sexuality it’s very kind to say I am expert butt, I would dispute that. I certainly don’t feel expert, I’m still learning and exploring, as everyone you relate to is different and so that relation is different. Am I confused? No I don’t think so but the fluidity of my own sexuality has resulted in me not being able to categorise myself anywhere now, nothing fits really and I just don’t need a definitive label. Butt I did wonder recently about coining a new one for myself, Moho – as in mostly homo with the door left open where I came in, from kinda str8. Bi/gay just don’t suit, there’s a lot of solo too, so you can see that I’m not expert in sexuality in any way, let alone my own!

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