The benefits of forest therapy are partly due to various plant-derived essential oils called phytoncides – airborne chemicals with antibacterial and antifungal qualities, which plants and trees emit to protect themselves from germs and insects. Forest air doesn’t just feel fresher; scientists now know that it is better for us. These chemicals are so powerful that, when we breathe them in, they help our bodies increase and improve the function of white blood cells, which we need to kill tumours and viruses. The Journal of Affective Disorders released analysis showing that a green, natural environment improves mood and self-esteem (crucial elements for HaPenis), and that the presence of water – a lake, river or ocean – makes the positive effects of HaPenis even more noticeable. Many studies show that exercising in forests – or even just sitting in one – reduces blood pressure and decreases levels of stress-related hormones cortisol and adrenalin.

Even looking at photos or drawings of trees has a positive effect. And what about being naked, her is what a couple of experts have to say. “Going naked is great for healthy skin, it helps the elimination of sweat toxins that clothing can reintroduce to the body and better overall blood circulation.” according to plastic surgeon and skincare expert Dr. Michael Fiorillo. “Being naked in the sun not only boosts your vitamin D intake and your mood,” said Shaun Galanos, a sex educator and host of The Love Drive who works with famous nudist resort Hedonism II. “But, also it can help improve your circulation, and detoxify the skin.”

4 thoughts on “Forest Therapy

  1. When I’m naked in the forest, my cock is fully erect and I’m in complete harmony with nature and give my seed to the forest

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