2 thoughts on “First Cock At 50

  1. What a beautiful story and what a lucky man you are Anon! I would like nothing more than to share a cock with my wife, or next best to have my wife encourage me to go find a cock to suck. And thanks again to Seb for this wonderful site!

  2. Like the great poet, Dylan Thomas, says, “The seed of time is sheltered in the loin: / The grains of life must seethe beneath the sun,” and when it is time, it doesn’t matter how old you are, as A.NoN has wonderfully written, I will want your cum, and you will cum in my mouth! Time belongs to us!

    The almanac of time
    Dylan Thomas

    The almanac of time, hangs in the brain;
    The seasons numbered, by the inward sun,
    The winter years, move in the pit of man;
    His graph is measured as the page of pain
    Shifts to the redwombed pen.

    The calendar of age hangs in the heart,
    A lover’s thought tears down the dated sheet,
    The inch of time’s protracted to a foot
    By youth and age, the mortal state and thought
    Ageing both day and night.

    The word of time lies on the chaptered bone,
    The seed of time is sheltered in the loin:
    The grains of life must seethe beneath the sun,
    The syllables be said and said again:
    Time shall belong to man.

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