3 thoughts on “LOVENSE Edge 2 

  1. i love this expose . . . beautiful, instead of shame there is joy . . . i like to gently stroke the head of my penis at bedtime . . . as doing so helps me to fall asleep . . . the stimulation that comes from light touch for me, is never to be under-estimated . . . feeling ones body and knowing ones body takes time and during exploration, pleasure with a sense of comfort and calm and relaxation emerge . . . thank you for sharing

  2. A beautiful image of pleasure fueled by the passion for Pavarotti’s “il bel canto” and the enjoyment that comes from deep within our sex at the peak of the pleasure that is felt, but it could have been made with a good camera, because the eyes must also see in maximum detail the beauty of a body feeling the pleasure that comes from within. How much I would have liked to see the drops of pleasurable sweat and the drops of sperm spilling from the feverish hands of its executor. Can you improve that image? and so; have a gigantic ejaculation?
    Una bella imagen de placer incentivado por la pasión por “il bel canto” de Pavarotti, y el disfrute que viene de lo profundo de nuestro sexo en la cumbre del placer que se siente, mas podría haber sido hecha con una buena cámara, porque también los ojos deben ver con máximo detalle, la belleza de un cuerpo sintiendo el placer que viene desde adentro. Cuanto me hubiese gustado ver las gotitas de sudor placentero y los goterones de esperma derramándose por las febriles manos de su ejecutor. ¿Puedes mejorar esa imagen? y así; ¿tener una eyaculación gigantesca?

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