I am a straight (maybe Bi) male and I have watched gay porn on more than one occasion. I have masturbated to it before too. Let me start by saying I enjoy having sex with women, a lot. I’ve never had sex with a guy, but would be open to the idea. I’ve used toys before too and know that it feels good. Beyond curiosity and that it is arousing, I don’t know of any other reason to watch gay porn… You can’t help what turns you on sexually, so you might as well except it and explore yourself. I just tend to find a lot of gay porn is relevant to my interests in a way that some straight porn isn’t. I don’t like watching sloppy, gaggy blow jobs and on the whole gay porn has much cleaner bjs at least from what I’ve seen. It’s about 70/30 straight to gay watching. I don’t like twinks or super swole dudes. I generally watch college vids, hazing type deals, straight for pay, nothing with kissing/caressing. Just the sex please. I’ve never had any inclination for a male outside of gay porn, I like many other guys here were totally grossed out by it and it became this taboo in my mind and then I decided to just watch one and saw that it really wasn’t so bad. I’m sort of a voyeur in that regard and just like watching gay, straight, trans, whatever. On rare occasion, I watch gay porn because my dick tells me that’s what I want to be watching. I’m not gay, I just sometimes get this urge that says “watch a man rail another dude in the ass.” – Ian

I’m not gay, I just sometimes get this urge that says “watch a man rail another dude in the ass”. The truth is, and this is for all of you gentlemen: you want to be gay, but you are hiding behind the façade of “I like watching it, but I am not” – no one is forcing you to enjoy another man, no one is telling you to become a “gay icon” but if you like gay pornography and enjoy the occasional “gay experience” – then you are a Gay Man… or maybe you believe you are straight, but every now and then you want to taste what a true Gay Man knows the taste of… cock, armpits, ass, lips,… all the body parts that men possess. Here’s a newsflash…The older you become, the more you will want that Gay experience that becomes less, and less available. I am an older “Gay Man” – 78, to be precise, and although my gay life has been nil for some years due to many unforeseen health and personal issues, the desire has become greater and greater… and it will never be fulfilled. So you tepid Gay Men who will not self-identify yourself as Gay, as the years pass you too will feel the desire grow and grow within you… and you will feel a sense of loss for what you could have had, but you never will. Thank you, Seb! – Richard Anthony

Richard Anthony, I am respectfully going to disagree with your broad brush painting. There are many reasons men have sex with other men – this is not a news bulletin. Consider horny teen horseplay, consider prison sex, considering the lonely soul who may be inept with women. That’s an essay in itself. But watching gay porn and then exploring sex with men is a real and new phenomenon, particularly with the young generation. They have been conditioned to be open minded, non- judgmental and liberal in their views of homosexuality. Many were raised by the first wave of accepting heterosexuals so even within their homes, they were taught that gay is okay. Gay liberation worked. The biggest proponent of this acceptance has been the internet. If you are a straight porn aficionado, you will know that for decades now, two guys in one girl is a common thing DP – double penetration. Two straight men rubbing cocks inside a slick twat.. “straight “ but BOOM! the first wall comes down with cock on cock frottage. From there, its an easy click to see two guys and a girl in full bisexual porn. Two bros fucking a moaning chick and she squeals- “ I want you to suck his cock!” And BOOM! another wall collapses. And from there, its a slippery slope down to some guy on guy only action. So you have young men at the peak of their sexual prowess, conditioned to be okay with swapping head with your bro. Without the societal impact of ubiquitous internet porn in all kinds of scenarios, these men would never consider having gay sex. And alternatively, young women would never think that a guy should choke and smack them while fucking them. But these kids grow up watching this warped perspective of what normal sex is and now anything goes. So yes, some men can let a guy suck their dick and not be gay. As for your warning of age related bitter regret- you are absolutely correct. But I who have had sex with hundreds of men, find myself sad and wistful for my youth, my good looks, my 20/20 eyesight, hyper-reactive plumbing and everything else that has diminished with time. It still wasn’t enough.- JoE

31 thoughts on “Str8 Men & Gay Porn

  1. As I get older I want new experiences. Last year I was the recipient of a lovely stream of man piss, all over my nude body and I want more, to savour and drink and be watched enjoying it. Now I dream of being nude in a public Lavatory (restroom) and held in the urinal for a through pissing by lots of guys. I am not content anymore with peeing on myself and drinking my own. I want it from others, I want to wallow in piss in a shallow basin and drink as and when I fancy it. Down the throat or up my ass or whatever – I want it

    1. Hello I just wanted to say hi and tell you a bit about myself. I’m 74 and married but really want to experience sex with another man. It’s something that I’ve wanted to do for a few years and hope to fulfill this year. I too have acquired a taste for my own pee. It’s something that I enjoy doing most every day. I think it will be amazing to have someone pee on my so I taste them, man or woman. I would love to hear from you if you don’t mind.

  2. I love gay porn, especially the homemade variety. Nothing gets me harder than watching another masturbating or having a man watch me stroking my dick for his viewing pleasure.

    1. Thanks glad you like it. It’s the effect gay porn has on me. A hard thrombin cock.

    2. gay porn is literally all i watch these days, straight porn does almost nothing for me

    3. I am the same! Something about how naturally another man sucks a cock and eats ass! It’s as though he knows exactly what needs to be done! Funny that! Knowing how to hit another guys prostate is also useful!

    4. I have never been with a man, but I pour precum and get so hard when I think about men, especially older men. Help me with my thoughts older men tell me what you would do to me. I will be visiting London in November and I have a fantasy of going to a man’s house pretending to buy something, my favourite is some clothes and I need to try them on. Boys will be boys and my hard wet cock making my boxers wet can’t be hidden,…. Imagine what we could do, tell me and maybe we can make it happen.

    5. Once, in the mid-2000s, I went out with a guy who was married to a woman… He was a handsome, gray-haired big daddy and open to same-sex experiences…
      We went to a motel and he had the pleasure of sucking a dick for the first time… He also “climbed the walls” after I sucked his super tight virgin ass…
      However, he couldn’t handle my dick (big, big-headed and thick). I tried to make him more relaxed, but I would need more days to fuck that cock-hungry ass.
      I miss a married guy 🤩❤️

  3. Once I sucked my first cock there was no going back. Nothing makes me harder than a pulsating cock in my mouth. I love a man’s cum in my mouth and on my face. I love my man sex! The more I do it the more I want it. All I ever indulge in is gay porn it makes me hard, it makes me horny and it makes me cum every time. My preference over time has become men and I embrace my gayness with vigour.

    1. You can say that again! and again! and again! You took the words right out of my cum-filled mouth

  4. I am a gay man, I always have been. Having “sex” with another man is not what makes me identify as gay.
    We must remember that the majority of men who engage in sexual activity with other men don’t identify as gay. Yes some will be on a journey, the rest are quite happy dipping there toe into the water from time to time and I for one have swam with more than my fair share of them.
    I enjoy porn, but I rarely watch men having intercourse. Watching it doesn’t turn me on, and I can do with out it physically. I’ve been in long term relationships and not had intercourse with my partner. Only 43% of gay men engage in intercourse. I have friends, some of whom have been in relationships for 20 years +, and they have never had intercourse with a man in their life. So two men having intercourse is neither essential to turning on gay men or exclusive to only turning on gay men.

  5. Thank you Nick.
    Labels are for clothes. I used to be hung up on them as well.
    Now, I realize that was all some kind of propaganda. Sure, we were “militant” gays in the 80s with Act Up , etc.
    You were going to tolerate us, or else!
    Thank you Lord, I can look back and laugh about that.
    It was effective but…WOW. LOL
    For decades now, I haven’t had the need anymore to wear sexuality like some kind of badge.
    Its only part of who I am.
    A fantastic part but one part of many other fantastic parts.

    Dude, keep watching what you enjoy watching.
    Men are Gods. Men are powerful. Men are warriors.
    Men are confident and mentally strong, not just physically. Men don’t ask permission to be men.
    You are a man and you are being a man.
    Men need men.

    Love to all of my brothers here and everywhere.

  6. I am 100% gay though married to a woman (go figure!). I also love gay porn and gay websites where I find a great deal to get me and then keep me hard, and to wank to. It’s a wonderful world for me.
    What strikes me is the number of guys who identify themselves as “bi”. Some of them no doubt are but if you then look at where they are, watching what, and for how long it’s hard to escape the conclusion that a large proportion are much closer to the gay end of the spectrum than the straight. They just don’t want to admit it and bi is a more comfortable self description. Also, in discussion with guys on these sites, one of whom I now count as a real friend, not just one of the countless “friends” we all sign up to, I would say that the interest in gay things grows steadily over time. It is a spectrum, not a hard and fast dividing line. Personally I think far more men are closer to the gay end than either they or any published data have recognised.

    1. Dave is so right! I am gay and admit it , If I had the choice of a beautiful woman and any man for sex, I choose the man, I love cruising areas where gays go and naked if possible to show what I want. I love beig naked in public places and where I may meet other men looking for sexual fun. I have riden the spectrum of sexuality from gay as a teen to hetero and marriage to increasing gayness from mid life onwards, now I admid to be fully gay and loving it

    2. I fully agree with Dave. Being Bi is a cover for being gay. I am gay through and through and love male porn. I am not interested in women porn unles men are in it

  7. I don’t think there is anything more sensual than a man who pleasures himself. I’m gay and have been in a relationship for 22 yrs married for the past 2. I enjoy sex with my husband but my guilty pleasure is watching a man masterbate. I fantasize about married men I come in contact with on a daily basis. I watch alot of masterbation porn but the real act of a man doing it BLOWS MY MIND and balls I guess.

    1. I’m on my way to doing just that now, looking at your photo on the couch. My limp friend is similar to yours in size, my boys hang lower but are not as big as yours. Your husband’s a lucky guy. Wish I could hold your cock and stroke it hard. Thanks for sharing this.

    2. My pleasure glad you enjoyed it. I’m alittle self conscious about my cock size ot grows to alittle over 6 .5 in but most photos of guys are well hung but you know. I love what I have. I love jacking it and it is what it is and I’m gonna show it.. at pushing close to 60 yrs of age my body isn’t as finr tuned as when I was younger but I think I can still be proud to show it.

    3. Agree completely about watching men edge and masturbate. I’m 70, married and a dedicated edger. Watching men stroke themselves is bliss. Only another man can know the pleasures a man stroking his cock is experiencing. Congratulations on your own handsome self. You have a terrific body and cock. Enjoy!

    4. JHONNY FLORES I know this is an old reply of yours but I’ve just read it and totally relate to you on more or less the same level as in I’m not married but from as far as I can remember I’ve always been obsessed with watching men masturbate, I am gay always have been but from being 10 years old when I started masturbating till now at the age of 34 I still watch gay masturbation porn practically every day more than once especially after a hard day at work I need a masturbation session to relax and I absolutely LOVE watching a guy masturbate and shoot his hot thick spunk I can go for hours especially when I’m having one of my popperbate training sessions huffing poppers and edging watching compilations of hot gay masturbation porn I can’t get enough

    5. Poppers, nectar of the gods!! Thank you for the comment and also you opened a window for my imagination to run wild!, thinking about you sitting on the couch spread eagle poppers in hand working your cock to an explosive climax! Happy stroking buddy

  8. Richard Anthony…I totally agree with your age comments. I am in the EXACT same place….69…and so incredibly hungry for the mam sex I discovered late in life. But my body is not what it was and the sex almost impossible to find. I cum most often watching man porn. I never fail to cum when watching 2 guys fuck. Aging sucks. But cock rules. If only I knew in my 20’s or 30’s what I know now. It’s a huge regret.

  9. I enjoy gay porn, and I’d very much like to hold another mans cock in my hand and experience what it feels like to get erect whilst wanking them off.

    However this is an urge, but as I get older I really want to experience it.

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