A communal shower is a type of open group shower with multiple shower heads and no dividers or stalls. The term “communal” in the name derives from the belief that these showers combat communism. In the late 1940s, as the Cold War began, American leaders became increasingly afraid of communism, as part of a phenomenon known as the Red Scare. As a result, Congress formed the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), led by Joseph McCarthy, with the aim of reducing support for communism in the United States. One of the first decisions made by the HUAC was to mandate the conversion of all public showers into communal showers. This included showers at gyms, swimming pools, YMCAs, schools, and all other locker rooms. Thus, throughout the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s, as anti-communist sentiments held sway in American society, communal showers became a part of daily life for athletes, students, and many other Americans. This had the side effect of normalizing male nudity among those who used these showers. As the Cold War reached its end in the early 1990s, fears of communism gradually decreased among American leaders. As a result, leaders ceased requiring communal showers. Communal showers began disappearing from locker rooms, and private shower stalls became increasingly common, decreasing Americans’ comfort with nudity. Communal showers still exist in some locker rooms, though most people who use them are unaware of their Cold War history. In recent years, scientists have found no correlation between the use of communal showers and belief in communism. Thus, the anti-communist effect of communal showers has been dubbed a myth and an artifact of the Red Scare. Source
All the YMCAs I knew in the first 40 years of my life had wonderful communal showers. My best buddy in 5th grade was learning to swim at our local Y, and several Saturdays I had the pleasure to be the guest of him and his Dad on their Family Pass. I will never forget checking in at the desk, getting towels, and his Dad opening the door to the locker room where I saw a sea of naked bodies and penises everywhere. Men of all ages were in the pool and all around it totally bare-assed naked. Fat old men and handsome young high school/college athletes. I took to nudity like a duck to water. I’m certain I stared at every exposed cock, even joined my friends dad in the steam room while my buddy would have his lesson. I remember fighting a hard-on frequently, and actually getting one every time I saw a grown-up penis and hairy crotch up close. His dad ‘chubbed up” on several occasions. I remember I’d already begun masturbating at this time, although I couldn’t cum, but was enjoying dry orgasms. It wasn’t long before I started haunting large public restrooms in libraries and department stores. I never am happier than when I am naked around other men. Unfortunately not many gyms have communal showers anymore. – OldManMike
I swam at my dad’s men’s club often just as I was reaching puberty and was old enough to travel downtown on my own. I remember the locker room as much as the swimming. Before that my dad was the only mature man I had ever seen, and I remember seeing for the first time fully mature men of all kinds–hairy/smooth, large/small, hung/tiny, shy/bold–and it really broadened the image I was forming of myself as an adult, and my feelings about maturity. It’s a common and natural experience that really all boys would benefit from. And, by the way, I NEVER had anything even slightly creepy happen there or anyplace else in a locker room naked with strangers.
Creepy is a subjective term, and loaded with judgement. If there is consent, acting on mutual desire need not be creepy.
All the YMCAs I knew in the first 40 years of my life had wonderful communal showers. My best buddy in 5th grade was learning to swim at our local Y, and several Saturdays I had the pleasure to be the guest of him and his Dad on their Family Pass. I will never forget checking in at the desk, getting towels, and his Dad opening the door to the locker room where I saw a sea of naked bodies and penises everywhere. Men of all ages were in the pool and all around it totally bare-assed naked. Fat old men and handsome young high school/college athletes. I took to nudity like a duck to water.
I’m certain I stared at every exposed cock, even joined my friends dad in the steam room while my buddy would have his lesson. I remember fighting a hard-on frequently, and actually getting one every time I saw a grown-up penis and hairy crotch up close. His dad ‘chubbed up” on several occasions. I remember I’d already begun masturbating at this time, although I couldn’t cum, but was enjoying dry orgasms. It wasn’t long before I started haunting large public restrooms in libraries and department stores. I never am happier than when I am naked around other men. Unfortunately not many gyms
have communal showers anymore.
Communal showers are great! Each swimming pool in Germany has them, and I enjoy using them in the summer time when I am there. Nice guys
If only.
From the “About” page of the source of this information, Uncyclopedia:
“Uncyclopedia is an encyclopedia full of misinformation and utter lies (a.k.a. bullshit). You might say it puts the “psych!” in “encyclopedia”. It’s sort of like Congress or Parliament, but unlike Congress or Parliament, we do have a sense of humor”
Yeah even before I saw the source I knew we were just having fun when I read, “The term “communal” in the name derives from the belief that these showers combat communism.” Hilarious, though. Whatever the false premise is, we should bring back communal showers.
The term “communal” in the name derives from the belief that these showers combat communism.
is problematic. The adjective communal long predates McCarthyism, after all. Consider communalism, the socioeconomic organisation of society preceding feudalism.
This is not to say I don’t have fond memories of the communal showers at the gyms I have frequented.
And if they decreased discomfort with male nudity, they may have increased comfort with experimentation with homosexuality which McCarthyism abhorred. Backfire!
I love communal showers and every swimming pool locker room in Germany has them and I enjoy them when I am there each summer
Thanks to Gregg for posting the header image