What’s better than a bear in my bed? Two bears in my bed! Today we bring you 2 classic gay porn actors, Tom Chase and Erik Korngold. Both are muscular, masculine, hairy and know how to have a good time under the covers. The Colt scene is a classic, or I don’t know what you think, but my penis believes it! Korngold’s foreskin makes me hungry, and Tom Chase is Tom Chase, no need for an introduction. I have fond memories of when I was young and would lock myself in my room with a copy of Colt and go wild imagining what a night with Tom would be like.
More KnoBledge
When I was a teen I found Blueboy magazine on a bookstore shelf, next to the Playboy and Penthouse mags. I snuck a look and found only naked men, no girls, no tits. I bought the mag and then spent many hours looking at and masturbating to beautiful cock. Happily, I still do!