12 thoughts on “The Five Cock Virtues

  1. This site is just so enlightening in being a space to celebrate the masculinity inherent in our cocks, in the love of our own cocks, and in the manliness of sharing your cock with another man. And everything here makes it so clear that men connecting as sexual beings around their cocks is a beautiful and natural thing.

    1. That definitely looks beautiful hard fat juice cock love to deep throat it whole take it deep in my mouth and ass hole until you cum xxx

  2. There’s really never going to be a site created that achieves the ability to engage with others bout the really about a mans sexuality and basic understanding of what really drives us all be successful and be empowered , comfortable and confident in all life challenges than this one !!!!

    1. Yes this site will be cherished as a record of real men, not the AI scourge where every new image is manufactured by an algorithm and reality is polluted.

    2. I agree the thing that makes this site SUPERB is the fact that it’s created by REAL MEN! variety is the spice of life and this site is a man’s dream. HATS OFF to all who share their stories and DELICIOUS photos!!

    3. I’m new to this site, but echo all you have written. Your pictures are amazing! I only hope that I will be able to celebrate me in a similar way one day!

  3. I think there is a Sixth Virtue: Pleasure. Maybe that’s the One and Only Virtue in fact!

    My cock is the source of the pleasure that I was put on earth to receive and give.

    Pleasure is not a subset of “Righteousness” as defined above or the opposite of “selfishness,” because my cock must experience the joy of pleasing itself in order to share that pleasure with others.

    My cock is only “kind” because it is conscious of the pleasure that is intrinsic to it, its raison d’être, and which it bestows on others in order to experience the pleasure of itself. If my cock forgets that it embodies “pleasure,” its very raison d’être, it can most certainly be very cruel!

    My cock is most certainly not courteous! It is a self-centred, slobbering s.o.b who pokes his head out at the wrong moment and wants to get in your mouth, in your pants, and up your bottom as soon as possible. Please, don’t call him “courteous!”

    Or “honest”! Don’t make me laugh! Think Don Giovanni!

    But wise, yes, that he is. A wise ass, wise about arses, who knows that what’s good for him — to experience the pleasure of blowing in the wind, of rubbing up against a thigh, to entering some man’s cavern of delight — is what is good for the whole world. My cock is The Pleasure Principle itself.

    And so is yours!

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