4 thoughts on “Cock Ring Size

  1. A plumber friend has suggested that “O Rings” are practically the same as rubber cock-rings. A selection of “O Rings” of varying sizes can be bought very cheaply from a DIY store or online. Varying sizes can be used as cock-and-ball rings, ball-rings, or cock-rings around the base or head of the penis. Also, the range of “O Rings” allows you to experiment with different sizes, before deciding to invest in a more expensive cock-ring. For men hesitant of possessing a cock-ring for fear of being discovered, “O Rings” can be kept innocently and safely amongst your other DIY bits and pieces in the hut or garage.

  2. Seeking for Suggestions on a cockring to wear everyday. I’m alittle over 6.5 hard but have a good set of balls open to Suggestions brothers

  3. A couple of comments about wearing a cock ring that were not addressed in the opening comments. First, start large and then go smaller – especially with a metal ring that can be hard to remove when hard!
    You need to decide if you want to wear the ring around just the cock, or around the cock and balls, which is more common and also does more to keep you super hard. My metal rings are 2 inch, which is pretty middle of the road. I’m just 6 inch but reasonably good girth and the 2 inch ring is tight AF when I’m hard but falls off when I’m not. For me, a rubber ring provides the best pleasure for extended edging as the metal rings become uncomfortable after an hour or more.

  4. When nudity is not possible I love wearing either my penis head jewellery, ball weight or cock ring under clothing. It’s great to feel their subtle stimulation as I move or shift position and, unless I get an erection, no one knows of my inner arousal.
    When nudity is possible they are even more fun to wear and invite your gaze

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