Being Naked Outdoors

It’s all so silly isn’t it? Half of the population of humans has a penis but it is somehow obscene to […]

One Love

Souls love. That’s what souls do. Egos don’t, but souls do. Become a soul, look around, and you’ll be amazed-all the […]

Green Tantra

Green Tantra is a term used within certain spiritual and esoteric traditions, particularly within Hinduism and Buddhism, to describe a form […]

Finnish Sauna 1940

In 1940, LIFE photographer Carl Mydans captured a striking image of Finnish soldier enjoying a sauna during World War II, showcasing […]

The Tree Of Life

Cock is the tree of life. Each Branch exists because of the fruit. If the foot of the trees were not […]

Axing My Hayhât

Not to see what appears to your self, Flying to the heavens, tearing, every instant, a hundred veils! The first moment […]

I 💕Gentle Men

Gentle men are characterized by their ability to empathize and connect with others on a deeper emotional level. Their emotional intelligence […]

Testament of Love

All of those beautiful men and their breathtaking “manhood” — the epitome of sex organs — out in plain sight bringing […]

Natural Impulse

“It is a terrible error to let any natural impulse, physical or mental, stagnate. Crush it out, if you will, and […]

The Wilderness

“No man should go through life without once experiencing healthy, even bored solitude in the wilderness, finding himself, depending solely on […]

Think of Cymru

“I am in a heterosexual relationship but occasionally my partner and I have sex with a plumber, a friend for some 15 years […]