Sacred Intimate

After reading the “Sleazy or Sacred” post, I feel I must respond to those men whose seem to see sex as an “either/or” proposition. IT IS NOT. You […]

I Scream

Sharing ice cream during sex can also be an intimate act of connection between partners. It creates a shared moment of pleasure that combines taste, touch, and emotion, […]

Cock Frottage

I am a fan of sword fight. I am a french straight men but i assume that i practice secretly some sword fight with a good friend. We […]

Physical Intimacy

I have found that long overdue safe place. Every bit of it: warm, kind attentive, soft, constantly present and no intruding. We have the most wonderful talks full […]

Sleazy or Sacred

“Sex will either be sleazy and obsessive part of your life, or a sacred and powerful source of wellbeing.” – MANHOOD (by Steve Biddulph) : Biddulph suggests that […]

Sacred Intimacy

Much has been written on the topic of being married (to a woman) and having a “relationship” with a man at the same time. To me, it all […]

What Is Laughter?

“Laughter What is laughter? What is laughter? It is God waking up! O it is God waking up! It is the sun poking its sweet head out From […]

Trust & Intimacy

With a pair of warm hands and plenty of oil, rub and massage the inside of my thighs and groin area. Proceed to oil my shaft and testicles. […]

2 Become 1

“INTIMACY WITH OTHERS THE NEXT STEPS When two lovers are really open to each other, when they are not afraid of each other and not hiding anything from […]

Real intimacy

Real intimacy is a sacred experience. It never exposes its secret trust and belonging to the voyeuristic eye of a neon culture. Real intimacy is of the soul, […]

The Sacred Whores

The Whores with the Golden Heart existed in ancient cultures. Approximately 10% of the Sacred Whores were men. They lived in temples and were highly respected. People came […]

First Touch

Early on I didn’t like to be a guys first, the fear of leaving them with a bad memory, of letting their expectations down kept me away. But […]