Plato & Leonardo

Dear Lady, I deduce from your letter that your child is homosexual. I am very impressed by the fact that you do not mention this term to yourself […]

Sexual Categories

i agree. we have evolved to the point where sexual categories of this sort just don’t cut it anymore. we are complex sexual creatures. to try to reduce […]

7 World Champion

According to Thomas Hauser‘s book, “The Black Lights” which was published in 1985, there had up until then been seven world champion boxers who were gay. It is […]

God’s Flute

We need to become a Penis in the Sun´s hand. We need for the earth to sing through our pores and eyes. The body will again become restless until […]

Sex & Homophobia

I have had sex with many men, most of whom identify as straight, many of whom are married with children (and grandchildren). We have to accept that there […]

An Epiphany

I’m 66. For most of my life I told myself that I was not gay. I could find attraction in men and to their God-cocks, play around (rarely) […]

A Sexual Awakening

Hi Seb,  Just wanted to drop a note. I came across your site one day while surfing bored at work. It was bookmarked immediately and I have revisited […]

Saved Photos Bi Joe

I love & deeply appreciate this site. Very glad you didn’t throw in the towel :’) I’d like to share some of my favorite pics I’d downloaded before […]