Ruff asks, In your belief, can a single gay man preform sex magick properly or does there always need to be a woman as a representation of the goddess?”
In a lot of the so called “sex magick ” knowledge that you can find through google you will be told that a “goddess” most always be present. What they are saying is that sex can only be magick if it involves a woman. That doesn’t make any sense. These “experts” are talking absolute shite. The more learned amongst us will on the other hand argue that it is man who is almighty, and that sex magick is based on that fact. Or as Aleister Crowley put it,”avoiding the contamination(of women). It’s your sex magick, and anyone else’s that you choose to share with, or not. You make the rules, and you get to change your mind, whenever, whatever. Do What Thou Wilt.
It depends entirely what you worship. There are two aspects of sex. The forceful, penetrative kind. The kind that destroys in order to create. The kind that subdues the weak, forces its way in and makes room where there previously was none. The raw, untamed kind. The male kind. Then there is soft, nurturing kind. The kind that creates from the gift that it receives. The kind that is submissive yet has all the control. The kind that provides the space that was always there but does it only so much to create the friction necessary for the spark to ignite. The one that makes the male power work for it. The wise and contemplative, calculating kind. The one that feathers the male power but keeps the threads so loose that they’re virtually unnoticeable. The female kind. Personally I worship the male power because it resonates with me the most. It has nothing to do with what power I represent, contrary to what what you may have been told. There needs to no duality in the magic. I know so because I’m also of the male power. And when two of a kind clash it becomes volatile and violent, like love and war simultaneously, and that’s where the magick happens. You can also create the magick on your own, with just your own thoughts and the energy that emanates from your manhood. There are plenty if articles on this fine site to get you started. – Ben
Just fun to be naught and naked outside in the sun.
It depends entirely what you worship. There are two aspects of sex. The forceful, penetrative kind. The kind that destroys in order to create. The kind that subdues the weak, forces its way in and makes room where there previously was none. The raw, untamed kind. The male kind.
Then there is soft, nurturing kind. The kind that creates from the gift that it recieves. The kind that is submissive yet has all the control. The kind that provides the space that was always there but does it only so much to create the friction necessary for the spark to ignite. The one that makes the male power work for it. The wise and contemplative, calculating kind. The one that featers the male power but keeps the threads so loose that they’re virtually unnoticable. The female kind.
Personally I worship the male power because it resonates with me the most. It has nothing to do with what power I represent, contrary to what what you may have been told. There needs to no duality in the magic. I know so because I’m also of the male power. And when two of a kind clash it becomes volatile and violent, like love and war simultaneously, and that’s where the magick happens.
You can also create the magick on your own, with just your own thoughts and the energy that emanates from your manhood. There are plenty if articles <—-(hyperlink here, please Seb) on this fine site to get you started.