A word to describe kinship.
A word to describe mutual understanding.
A word to describe deep seated love.
In the past year, many brothers have been set to fight each other, to torture each other, to kill each other. Brothers with no reason to hate each other, have been told to do so. To cause each other unfathomable pain, misery and sorrow. Senseless war for no other reason than to satify the ego of a madman, allegedly impotent, and with prostate cancer. Did you know that meditation can affect random number generators? Did you know that only a few thousand minds in the state of meditation across this planet, changed the course of history and averted the potential nuclear disaster of the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962? It’s literally mind over matter. Hope, transmuted into physical reality. When you meditate, you silence your thoughts, your ego, and thus disrupt the ever churning, grinding wheel of worldly cause and consequence. You enter a state of peace, where you realize there is no physical distance, no state of separation. Even if you only manage to maintain this state for a mere few seconds, you can change the world. It matters not what your object of meditation is, what your mantra is. All that matters is that you attempt it. So Brothers, let us do what we do best in this community. Meditate on your erect manhood. Make your Sacred Seed flow forth to propagate a better tomorrow. Transmute hope into the ending of suffering for our brothers out there who are forced to harm each other in war. Let the ecstasy of your own “happy ending” seep into this torn world, and influence the will of lesser men to end to the suffering of our Brothers locked in battle. – Ben