The bond formed between men who cross that physical line to touch or be touched intimately by another man is very fulfilling and psychologically comforting. It is unique and not parallel with MF bonds. it ushers in a deep trust and honesty. You open yourself up to cumplete insight into each others most private fantasy without hiding. I find it liberating to be that “naked” emotionally as to share my porn tastes with another Fukka. It is a moment of sublime self realization to be that open – and unashamed – in front of another man in cumplete candor who, as it turns out, pretty much all share similar tastes. Our deepest, most pervy thoughts are laid bare and, not only that, butt totally accepted…. and then to act them out. No judgement, no pretense, no homo….That is a special bro-bond. Butt it isn’t a romance. No dates and flowers and anniversaries. The only question is do you want a beer before or after we wank/suck/fuck. What you see is what you get with dudes. We are not that complex. – That is Bromance.

Women no longer need to be a part of our economic privileges – and in some ways – with nearly 60% of college students in the US now women, and affirmative action at senior levels, the economic advantages of being a man may reverse. Well-off women are increasingly opting out of our lives. Add to this that Tindr indicates that the best looking 10% of men are getting all the swipes, and that an estimated 50% of young men in the US haven’t had sex in a year, it is no wonder that the INCEL movement is growing. It’s not a matter of us not choosing pussy, it’s a matter of men working it differently to achieve the same ends. Check out this Modern Wisdom link where Chris Williamson addresses these topics with a Brookings Institute academic Richard Reeves. Bromances have always been around. Men have informally done this for centuries – perhaps it’s now emerging as a viable legitimate alternative amongst a wider range of acceptable sexually fulfilling approaches. – BoB

1 thought on “That Is Bromance

  1. The only reason the incel movement is growing is lack of introspection in young men. The above makes excuses for it, though.

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