To begin I love very light touch starting round the balls and the perineum. As I begin to get hard a single finger very lightly making its way up towards the tip and back really wakes up my cock. Then oiled hands alternately circling the base of my cock and twisting as they rise to the tip and come down again gets me rock hard and precum adding to the oil. Returning to light, two finger strokes down from the head of my dick to my balls levels me off. Tickling around my bell end then hightens my excitement again and repeat from the top. Looking forward to learning new tricks. Ah, the taint. The perineum, where the penis is rooted into the base of the arse at the fundamental point of our primordial urges. Why gentle sweetness to be paid attention, this forgotten corner of our soul where the sun don’t normally shine. Let this shady corner be floodlit with honour and praised with care. – BoB

2 thoughts on “Balls & Perineum

    1. That’s a beautiful shot! Suck justified confidence, the world should see and honour all you have!

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