1 thought on “Art by Felix D’Eon (Mejico) Classic and ModernSolos_hysteria

  1. We are brothers united by and because of our cocks. We think alike and act alike and take pride in our cocks. Once we taste or feel a brothers cock we like it. We are men we have similar sex drives and love showing our cocks to one another even if we won’t admit it. It feels good to show our cocks to each other it makes us proud. We are men we need each other and know how to pleasure another man’s penis best so why hide it or deny it. Once we taste a man’s cum we desire it, once we let another man penetrate us we can’t stop.once we feel a man’s penis inside us once we are connected by cock we are complete why ask why just enjoy each other without shame or embarrassment. It is natural it is beautiful out penis are a gift share them and enjoy them. Cock is a blessing and bring us pleasure we are male we are men let our cocks unite us with pride.

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