Cleaning : Because your arse is close to either the vagina or prostate it is very important that you keep your arse clean. You can use wet sterilized cotton wrapped around your little finger to give it a gentle cleaning.

Enema : An enema is basically a surge of water into your arse. The water is then secreted cleaning the arse as it does. You can buy special devices for having enemas. Make sure that the water flows from a position above your arse. Massage your tummy in anti-clockwise in circular motions when the water is going in and massage your tummy clockwise when you are letting the water out. Release the water gradually in small amounts breathing in as you release and exhaling as you tighten. Many will find this a very erotic experience.

Sun Worship Exercise : As sunlight is known to have fantastic germicidal and magickal qualities exposing your arse to its rays will help keep it healthy. Start by exposing your back to the sun. Bend forward placing your hands above your ankles. Feel the sunlight on your arse, and the feel the heat penetrate into your arse tissues. You can find a list of nudist beaches here.

Relaxation Exercises : These exercises can be done while standing, sitting or lying down. Tighten all the muscles around your arse, and pull them in. It should feel like your whole anal area is being pulled in. Hold this position for as long as it feels comfortable. Then relax pushing your arse out as you breathe deeply. Repeat this at least 81 times. it’s all very cock focused?

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