I have come to realize I have always been gay. In tracing my life all the way back to my birth, I was always obsessed with my own genitals. I constantly touch them play with them and enjoy them. All throughout my life I’ve also been obsessed with seeing other males genitals and desiring to touch them. At no point in my life was I truly interested in much of anything other than my own penis. So much so that other boys knew I was different. The ones that was so inclined toward homosexuality sought me out because my behavior proved my interest in other males. So much so that older boys would touch my genitals and teach me how to play with them and I learned quickly. I was always getting away from my family so that I could play with my penis and the penises of other boys. I had fantasies as far back as I can remember. Of men and boys worshiping the male penis and we did so completely naked. The older I got the cheaper my obsession with my penis and I desire to show it your other boys and men. If they wanted to touch mine I was perfectly okay with it I like the way it felt when they touched it or when I touched it. It never went away it only grew stronger and my obsession with being with other males in a sexual way grew stronger. Now I simply accept my homosexuality I love my homosexuality and want to engage in whole sexual acts with other men. I also I’ve always had fantasies of other men watching me give myself to other men enjoying full contact and penetration. So in something get up I have always been gay and enjoy being gay and always will. Tyler Sinclair
Always Been Gay
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