2 thoughts on “A Sexual Biography

  1. “Est ist dir, gesagt, was gut is”! “He hath showed thee, O man, what is good.” I’ve been listening to this glorious Bach cantata, BWV 45, over and over for the last few days. Listen to the first Chorus, O HaPenis brothers, and see if you don’t agree that what the music, not the text, is telling us is this:

    Be men! Love and fuck each other! That is what the Lord doth require of us!

    Es ist dir gesagt, Mensch, was gut ist
    und was der Herr von dir fordert,
    nämlich: Gottes Wort halten
    und Liebe üben
    und demütig sein vor deinem Gott.


    1. Sorry, guys, typo in the title of the cantata, I was so enraptured by the opening chorus as I typed that my fingers ejaculated prematurely all over the place. It should be “Es ist dir gesagt, Mensch, was gut ist.” If you translate these words literally, you can of course, as I believe we are always, as Menschen, entitled to do with scripture or literature, queer the meaning: “You have been told, human being, what is good!” Yes, thank you, Lord, and we know what that is!

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