7 thoughts on “A Ritual of Empowerment

  1. As a practitioner of sex majik for many years, I found the above routine sounding quite familiar to many of the rituals I’ve used over the years for charms and casting spells. Until then, I had no idea that, as men, we could use our sexual powers for such things!
    When I have desired greater control over my sexual power, I draw on a small square of paper what is called a ‘sigil’, a symbolic representation of what I desire. I make sure I’m well-aroused and I set the symbol on fire as I build my sexual energy up to a loud and glorious orgasm, howling and laughing with as much gusto as I can muster! What a show! But it’s important as a means to raise the sexual energy, increasing the momentum, as it will increase the strength of your spell.
    Say what you like, it sounds like a lot of gibberish, but as a 45 yr old man totally new to anything beyond text book guides to sex, I just jumped in headlong and hoped for the best. Man, am I glad I didn’t let my narrow-mindedness hold me back!
    I have learned so very much in the years after I came out, and there are so many kind and beautiful men willing to teach you.
    I’ll say it again; there are so many wonderful ways to live your life. And they are all good. Those ways may be looked down upon by the broader society. Others may find them repulsive, shallow, trivial, disgusting. That’s of no concern to you. If you are on your chosen path, that’s all that matters. Know that Priapus and the god of love are smiling upon you.

  2. When the civilized layers of a man are dropped, when all that’s left is the animal instinct that propelled our species to dominate this world. That’s when you see a glimpse of who that man really is, the base layer, the foundation of their being, their soul if you’d like. It’s not an often reveal, but when you see it, you love it. You understand what makes man great, and makes men so unbelievably beautiful and erotic. That raw energy is ridiculously intoxicating, better than any drug.

    It’s a large part of why I love fucking men. Making love is great, it’s tender and sweet. But fucking, opening myself to receive the animalistic sexual energy of a man free to focus on his wants and needs, is what truly gets me off. Just knowing the man on top of me, trying to catch his breath, with his softening cock inside me got to experience the full extent of his sexual energy in a way he rarely will in regular life.

    1. The sheer power of watching oneself masturbate in a mirror and looking yourself deep in the eye as you ejaculates is sheer power, magnificence and divinity! Thank you Mr Cox for allowing me to explore my bi sexuality with the aid and direction of this site; and rest assured, I alway cumm as requested x

  3. The feeling the first time you cum is fantastic..And the feeling only improves with time..The heat, ecstasy, waves of pleasure taking over your entire body in extreme voluptuousness, it’s surreal..Howling loudly with this feeling flooding your body. being yourself (or watching your partner) is the best feeling in the world.
    That’s why masturbating is so good, and addictive… It’s a divine gift that floods our entire being… TOO BEAUTIFUL!

    Thank you dear Mr. Fox

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